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Problems Importing

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    Problems Importing


    I have exported my data and have made a load of changes to it - when I try and import it i get an error message "no fields found in the first line of the file" I thought that it must have been something I had done with the spreadsheet. So I have tried exporting again, not even making any changes to it and then tried importing it and I get the same error message and I have not made any changes to it.

    Can any one tell me where I might be going wrong please

    I am using V9.04

    Many thanks

    Are you possibly trying to import as a flat file with headers, when it should be hierarchical - possibly.


      No I have exported and imported as Hierarchical


        try a search using hierarcial file found as keywords

        i found this - - but there are other threads...


          We had this problem.
          Firstly, we found it didn't happen with earlier versions of Excel - 2001 IIRC.

          If that's not an option for you, try this (don't laugh - it works for us!!)

          The solution seems to be to open the offending file in Excel and add a new column at the very end of the existings columns . The way we do it is to look at any old line with a product in (as they usually seem to be the longest) and check out the last column used - say it is column CC , then add a new column (say CD in this example) and populate all the cells in that column with a letter N or something. Call the new column "pointless" or an amusing word to suit you.
          Then it will run in Actinic (making sure you don't map Pointless onto anything in the mapping tables!!)
          If you get an error saying there is an invalid field then it is probably that your new row isn't far enough across and is mapping onto a known item. Move it further right.

          I wouldn't doubt there's an easier way, but this is the only thing we found that works for us.
          Kind Regards
          Sean Williams

          Calamander Ltd


            Thanks for that. Have discovered that if I use an old version of Excel i.e. 2003 I have no problems whatsoever.

