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Multi-Site Planning Questions

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    Multi-Site Planning Questions


    We are currently running a couple of sites for a customer and will be potentially running up to 5-10 Actinic v9 sites for them.

    We are developing a new online software solution with a partner, which will link the sites together and act as a central database system to manage all the websites. (Please see diagram attached)

    Without going into the specifics of the software we need to work out a way of sending all orders to 1 merchant bank account (the websites sell the same products, so shouldn't have any problems with banking compliance)

    This merchant bank account then needs to feed order details into our secure online system.

    The potential issue is that with a number of different Actinic websites separate machines would be required to download the orders. Is there a way of downloading all orders from multiple Actinic websites on 1 machine? or sending the order details (.pl files) directly to our new online system.

    Do orders need to be downloaded by Actinic?

    Please find below a simple diagram of what we are trying to achieve.

    If anyone has any ideas or similar experiences it would be great to know at this planing stage.

    I look forward to hearing from you,


    You just need Multi-user, multi-site to answer all your problems and Jan has a software patch that will automatically download all sites at fixed intervals
    Chris Ashdown


      Originally posted by chris ashdown View Post
      Jan has a software patch that will automatically download all sites at fixed intervals

      Nick Churchill
      Olivers Online Shop
      Working within SellerDeck V11

