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Snapshot Problems

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    Snapshot Problems

    I am new to actinic, and have been given a site to develop from a snapshot. I have now completed the site and are giving the client the snapshot back by exporting it.

    The problem I have is gives me errors and warnings.

    I had been playing around with actinic, and registered around 4 different designs with actinic and moved the relevant files and pages as it stated in the help into the site1 folder.

    Now when I export it tells me the following problems.


    (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file D:index.html was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.
    (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file D:index2.html was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.
    (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file D:index3.html was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.
    This site includes files that are outside the Actinic installation directory.
    On importing the site these files will be delivered to a temporary location within the Actinic installation directory.
    Manual intervention will be required to restore the site after import.



    At first I thought it was because I had not deleted the dreamweaver design from actinic, so I followed the guide and removed the versions that I no longer used. I then export to snapshot but still get the errors.

    The thing is the second part the warning, I had already moved the files header and clear and topnav one into the site1 folder, so why would it still do this? Just trying to get a clean snapshot. Having never done this before.

    Any help grateful.


    Originally posted by zimmo View Post
    I had been playing around with actinic, and registered around 4 different designs with actinic and moved the relevant files and pages as it stated in the help into the site1 folder.
    This is the issue - you should start with the files in Actinic folder before you register so Actinic can snapshot them all correctly. As Actinic can not keep trace of where you moved them to it is now rightly complaining.

    Your options are:

    1. start again with the HTML in the site1 folder and register a new design
    2. edit the ActinicCatalog.mdb file and update the paths to the files manually
    3. duplicate the Layouts into the library, assign the new layouts in the advanced theme configuration then delete the obsolete external layouts

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      When you go to register a design, a huge message box pops up on screen telling you exactly what to do and where to store files. Just read that, it will only take a minute and this won't happen again.


        I thik I have mislead or confused you with my info. I did read that section when I registered the design and it told me to copy all the files etc.. INTO the SITE1 folder, which I did and have done that is why I do not understand why I am getting the warnings etc.. as I did exactly as it stated at the start.

        When I registered the other designs, they were basically the same design just with html changes not image changes at all. As I have stated I am learning actinic from scratch.

        I do not understand also why it is giving a warning about the files, as I moved them across also.


          Did you move before or after registering the design? The warning tells you the files should already be there before registering.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Hi again,

            I moved the files beforehand I am sure as I then registered it straight after. Anyway, is there a way I can fix this without re-registering the design? As I have made changes to the design within actinic so I will lose them if I do that. Is there any way I can just get this to work.

            The other files though the index and index2 and index3 are previous designs how do I fix that also.


              Sorry to be a pain, can anyone help me on this, just that the site needs to go to the client.


                Put the raw html file and the css file into the site folder. Then open up the html file in DW, insert the actinic placeholders into the various places and then use the actinic menu to register the design. That is all you have to do. For the designs you no longer want to have registered, right click and delete them from within the design library, AFTER you have registered the new design and assigned it to the relevant selectors.


                  Right, I have moved forward now, and not getting the actual images saying they need to be moved manually. But there are still files which I dont know why they are asking for. I had registered designs previously, but followed the guide to remove the designs from the libary, but its still asking for the files.

                  (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file D:\index.html was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.
                  (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file D:\index2.html was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.
                  (File ExportFiles.cpp, Line 456) - The file D:\index3.html was not found System error 3 - The system cannot find the path specified.
                  This site includes files that are outside the Actinic installation directory.
                  On importing the site these files will be delivered to a temporary location within the Actinic installation directory.
                  Manual intervention will be required to restore the site after import.


                  What do I do here???


                    Sorry to bug people, just the client is asking for the snapshot, and not sure how to fix this. I thought if you deleted the layout from the web outer layer in the library it would no longer want to look for these files.

                    These files were used to previously register a design with actinic.

                    I have re done the design in the correct place, but its still asking for the files. Please help

                    This is the guide I followed to delete the design:

                    But it still when creating the snapshot is asking for the html files.
                    Last edited by KB2; 22-Mar-2010, 12:29 PM. Reason: Updating kb links

