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Promoting Specific Sections on homepage

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    Promoting Specific Sections on homepage

    I want to be able to promote 9 out of my 30 TLS sections on my home page in 3 x 3 config. These would have different wording, and images to the normal section information.
    I have intially hijacked the best sellers list, and locked down products, out of the seciton, and used the extra links,properites, workind info etc to product it, but its getting a a bit long winded, and wondered if there was a better way , ie using categories to identify my promo categories with some custom attributes but how would I get them to display on my homepage in the boxes?

    Also where can i find how to alter the look of the boxes ie put a drop shadow on for example?


    You'd be better to create a custom fragment layout for these 3 wide products or section links and switch the column count to be 3 fragments wide for that page. You can then add an image as normal and also link it to where you want using the link tab. You will need to be confident of working with list layout also as you need to alter that, so the top and bottom rows colspan the 3 columns so that you can have full width fragments above and below the 3 wide ones.

    Example of this setup here -

