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Flash issues in page

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    Flash issues in page

    Hi again people, well I found the issue with my missing files so sorted that now. I am uploading the site now and have a few issues with things not working.

    I have a fragment on my home page that has a flash banner and then some normal images after that code. Now the images are fine, but the flash is not loading, I dont understand why as when you click the page preview it loads fine and you can see it working, but when you upload it does not work.

    This happens on another page also that has flash only, and is not loading the flash.

    Do you have to change the flash scr location??? I have tried putting acatalog in the code to see if it works, but it does not show on the preview and not on the web.

    It's an area of regular problems, have you tried searching the forum for what others have done, there should be at least 20-30 other threads on this already. Full URL, add into additional files and maybe even have it in acatalog and root are all things that have solved it for people.


      Cheers leehack.. just been searching, tried the full url not working, going to add them as additional files and see if it works then.


        Originally posted by leehack View Post
        have it in acatalog and root
        Homepage flash issues are almost always cured manually FTP'ing the .SWF file to the server root.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

