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General Script Error Occured When Adding to Basket

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    General Script Error Occured When Adding to Basket

    Hi All,

    I have recently moved the Actinic site over to a new server and since doing this, I have created a couple of new products on the site.

    Each product has it's own category and this has always worked fine however the 2 new products I have added, you cannot add to basket from the category page as it results in error:

    A General Script Error Occurred
    Error: The specified product (reference 90) has just been removed from the catalog. Please return to the catalog and continue shopping. If you press the Refresh or Reload button on your browser, the removed products will no longer be visible in the catalog. We apologize for the inconvenience.Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    If you add the product to basket directly on the product page itself, it works fine. All my previously added products all add to basket fine from the category page.

    I have searched the forum but haven't found a specific answer to this, any help would be appreciated.


    did you search on the phrase

    The specified product (reference ) has just been removed from the catalog

    using the google search option? work through the results you get and let us know how you get on

    tell us what you have tried etc etc



      Yes I did - most of the things that came back seem to relate to permissions problems with cgi-bin directory on the server however this all looks fine.

      I seem to remember having this problem previously but I can't for the life of me remember how to fix it.

      Would changing the script id in network settings do any good?



        compact the database, change script id and refresh - nothing to loose except abit of time ( use time to make tea for everyone and do a good deed )


          Thanks for that,

          I did compact the database already which did get rid of an error when starting Actinic. By refresh, I assume you mean just upload the site again? Do I need to change the script id to anything specific, it's set to 1 at the moment.



            it does help if you tell us what you have tried so we dont go around in circles, hence my original comment

            tell us what you have tried etc etc
            saves time for both of us

            change it to 2, refresh rather than upload...


              A link to the offending page would be nice
              "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"



                Yes sorry the reason I didn't mention the compacting of the database was because I did that to fix another problem and didn't realise it was related to this one.

                I will try what you have suggested - hopefully it will fix the problem!



                  Ok, so I tried what you suggested, and got an error saying "Actinic is not able to run CGI scripts on the server" which obviously isn't the case seeing as it already is doing!

                  Plus, this works fine:


                  All my network settings are the same as they have always been, even though I have moved it to a new server, the folder locations and paths are exactly the same as they were previously so I'm a little confused on this one.


                    Originally posted by magga View Post
                    I have moved it to a new server, the folder locations and paths are exactly the same as they were previously so I'm a little confused on this one.
                    Moving to a new server is your obvious problem here. If actinic fails a test despite you believing that things are identical, rest assured in 99% of these problems we have seen over the years, something was up on the server. Until you get a successful network test pass, pointless doing anything else.


                      Yes I realise it's likely this has something to do with it, but Actinic is telling me it can't run cgi scripts on the server without telling me why? If it told me why, I'd be able to fix it.

                      cgi scripts are all running fine already seeing as the shop does work for existing products.


                        Hmm perhaps you could show us a screenshot of the error message then, as it's always explained what's the problem in my experience, so maybe there is something weird going on. Have you checked the perl version is the same and permissions on the folders are fine?


                          Yeah it's Perl v5.8.8 on both servers:

                          Old server:

                          drwxr-x--- 3 sonicare psaserv 4096 Mar 30 2009 cgi-bin
                          drwxrwxrwx 8 sonicare psacln 184320 Oct 6 23:02 acatalog

                          New server:

                          drwxr-x--- 3 sonicare psaserv 4096 Mar 30 2009 cgi-bin
                          drwxrwxrwx 8 sonicare psacln 131072 Oct 5 22:20 acatalog

                          I can't do a screenshot right this minute but it suggests the cgi-bin URL is wrong, which it isn't. It then goes on to say "The web server returned error code 404 - Requested URL not found" although I'm not sure what URL it's referring to, if it gave me this info it would help me work out why it's wrong!



                            I'm not sure what else to suggest, if it tells you something is wrong and you say it isn't, that's a bit of a stalemate. If i were you, even if i knew that what it was telling me was wrong, i would swallow my pride and humour it and investigate, it clearly doesn't like something about it. 5 minutes into the process i'd expect to be wiping egg off my face in all honesty.

                            In my experience i've not had a network test message tell me something that was not eventually proved to be true, BUT, there is a graveyard of posts where people give up and use another service as they just can't get anywhere with it.

                            Make sure something silly like enhanced ftp or alike is not ticked or unticked, it's so likely to be something silly you are missing, your eyes are probably just tuned into thinking it is all the same.


                              Yeah I know, I have started to investigate - I think I'll need to work out where this 404 error is coming from by checking the server logs.

                              It's my own server, I've just migrated from a different one so I can configure it exactly how I want really, I'm just glad the current products are at least working so the client isn't unhappy!

                              I'll continue to investigate and see what I can find.

                              Cheers for your help.

