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File conflict since upgraded V.8 to run on vista

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    File conflict since upgraded V.8 to run on vista

    Hi all,

    I've moved over actinic to a new laptop runing Vista and required to download an update to get actinic working.

    I thought Actinic was working as it should do and everything seemed fine until I went to upload some new products.

    Now I'm getting the following on what I think is every image in my site

    here's an example of one of many conflicts

    Some filenames conflict. All files being sent to the web site must have unique names. Please check the list of files in Design | Additional Files.

    Some of the following files must be renamed before an upload can occur. Once the files are renamed, reselect them in the Actinic.
    C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\images\christmas sugar free\thumbnails\16_silver_ballotin_box.jpg
    C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\images\christmas sugar free\16_silver_ballotin_box.jpg

    Actinic uploaded these files pefectly fine on v.8 running on xp. All my images are done like this and now I can't upload anything, my product total is now past 850

    I have 3 images per product, one sized 250x250 shown on the main pages. one sized 500x500 shown on the more tabs and one 90x90 as the thumbnail.

    Any idea on what I can do other then manually remaining all the thumbnails?

    Thanks for any advice you can offer.

    Kev Challis

    I'd run a batch process to rename them, and then use an excel formula on a hierarchical export to change the name used, for instance i'd add _thm.

    All images live in one folder online, so must all have unique names, this has always been the case. Whether you sub folder them or not, makes no difference at all once they are online. Actinis is simply doing its job better now that what it was before your exercise, but it is also to your benefit, so ride with it. Changing 850 thumbnails manually would only take a couple of hours if the worst came to the worst, it always seems a much bigger task than it actually is in reality.


      Hi Lee,

      thanks for your help.

      I'll get them sorted now.

      Kev Challis


        Just downloaded this program to rename all the files,

        worked very well, would recommend it for multiple file renaming.

        Kev Challis


          i recommend this and its free and will crop images aswell as resize rename etc

          Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
          Current project:

          Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


            Originally posted by leehack View Post
            Actinis is simply doing its job better now..
            One day (hopefully) we will have images and other resources separated from the html files and have some structure online. Most FTP clients can't even browse the acatalog folder because it contains too many files.


              Couldn't agree more Duncan, one place for all is certainly not great. The v9 rename of acatalog folder feature was certainly a half-baked change.

