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infoURL NOT pointing to Terms & Conds

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    infoURL NOT pointing to Terms & Conds

    the same problem is on v8 here:

    can someone tell me where can i find that variable and what could have made it to change? all scripts are original...

    Design | Design Options


      Thanks for your efforts Lee, but problem remains current..


        You are not telling us anything that will help anyone help you. I.e.

        Site URL?

        What's set in Design / Design Options / Information Link?

        Has problem aways been there or did you change something recently?

        Code used for the Info link?
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Originally posted by NormanRouxel View Post
          You are not telling us anything that will help anyone help you. I.e.

          Site URL?

          What's set in Design / Design Options / Information Link?

          Has problem aways been there or did you change something recently?

          Code used for the Info link?
          Hi Norman,

          TBH I'm starting to fedup with actinic as this is not the first time something gets changed without my interaction. Not very reliable if I have to keep checking every link, image etc. etc. if its working or not...

          OK, lets get down to the problem.

          First of all I split one site into 2 separate ones and ofcourse been updating, ammending differently.

          Basically I'm trying to keep one site with as little features as possible (B2B ONLY SITE), no scripts modified...

          and today I was doing a routine check on this site, and clicked on T&C's link which did not take me to T&C's page as expected (but it used to)...

          in Design / Design Options / Information Link set NONE

          Address: Trade Site

          Click on Terms & Conditions link in the footer, link address i left there is <actinic:variable name="InfoURL" />, but on the horizontal menu ive changed to info.html for now...

          Another funny thing (got no clue when & why this started to happen) images not displaying on the retail site on checkout paypal bounce page... Despite that all images are included in Design | Aditional Files...

          Retail Site

          Any ideas Norman whats goin on with my websites? I gotta be honest with you, for the last 2 weeks I've been updating, uploading, refreshing 2-3 times a day...


            I noticed that href="" doesnt have any value in it, thought I need to reenter maybe somewhere in the variable "info.html"... But couldn't find it within variables


              Can't understand what's going on, now after reinstall, same terms & conds problem apears and on the retail site...


                OK, i got rid of the T&C's problem by entering "info.html" into Design | Design Option -> Information Link -> URL

                But everything was working before without this... Is it correct way of fixing it?

                What's set on your site?


                  Default sites have the setting as "Terms and Conditions on separate catalog page", you mentioned you had it set to None so wasn't sure if you tried the other settings.


                    Originally posted by peblaco View Post
                    Default sites have the setting as "Terms and Conditions on separate catalog page", you mentioned you had it set to None so wasn't sure if you tried the other settings.
                    very interesting, when I tried selecting any of those options yesterday, it didn't work, but now it fine!!!

                    I hate when i'm not in control of smething...

                    Thank you everyone for your time and effort!

