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HomePageURL not pointing to home page

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    HomePageURL not pointing to home page

    It's enough to drive a man to drink. I feel like I am designing my first actinic site but it appears 9.0.5 keeps throwing me curve balls.

    In the catalogue my site has the brochure home page ticked as "use as website homepage".

    In my design options home page link is set to "brochure".

    With these settings my homepage should be outside of the main shop directory right? And it is, only problem is I can't get HomePageURL in an link to point to the page. No they try to find an imaginary index file in the main shop directory.

    Normally my full catalogue page would be the index page within the main shop directory but I changed this to shop.html to make sure it wasn't causing any problem. I now have a nice shop page but still my links try to point to the imaginary index page.

    Anyone come across this before,
    Can anyone help.

    At my wits end,
    Boxhedge New Media Design
    Design and development solutions for SME's.
    Tel: 0118 966 2786
    Examples of work can be found at

    p.s as this important that links point to the index page from within brochure navigation lists as well I don't want to simply use: <actinic:variable name="WebSiteURL" /> to get around this on my stadalone links.

    Becuase i also want when appropriate for <actinic:variable name="BrochurePageURL" /> to work.

    After all this would appear to be yet another bug I have come across which has nothing to do with logic and I don't think I should have to hack around brochure list etc just to get a homepage link to work.
    Boxhedge New Media Design
    Design and development solutions for SME's.
    Tel: 0118 966 2786
    Examples of work can be found at


      as you say the index.html at root will be the brochure home page, all other pages are held within acatalog, so it is quite reasonable to have 2 index.html (in fact this is good practice, all folders should have an index.html to stop others being able to list the contents of any folder ie the following url would show the folder contents if there was no index within it )

      swapping from root to acatalog is governed by the baseref variable.

      I've not come across what you are describing as a bug though.


        I ditched actinic brochure page menus a long time ago, they're a right pain in the ass in my experience. They never provide the easy control to maintain, so i think it's best to just ditch them. Pages such as home, about us etc. are the most statically named pages you could imagine, so it presents no issues at all just hard coding IMO. I can feel your frustration, just code your own, it's better for the sanity. I'm not a fan of the shop.html idea, it doesn't block the folder from access unless you have a dummy index.html and although the page names are the same, as they are at different levels, it presents no problems anyway.


          Thaks for the replies guys.
          I'll probably end up hard coding somehow, what a pain in the arse.

          As for shop.html, i thik you may has misunderstood. The only reason I did this was for testing the problem and my sanity, definitely won't be like this on the live site.

          Boxhedge New Media Design
          Design and development solutions for SME's.
          Tel: 0118 966 2786
          Examples of work can be found at


            sssshhh! don't tell anyone, it's almost too stupid to mentition but i am just adding incase someone else comes across this purley hypothetical situation, ahemm!>>>>

            It helps if you don't have a file called index.html (the design the template is based on) inside your site1 or project folder. Even if not in your addittional file list Actinic will upload this after it is done with uploading the rest of the site.

            So lets say for the sake of arguement your top level (full catalogue) has a filename of index.html, this will be overwritten by the index.html in your site1 folder and should it be an exact copy of what you want to achieve with your homepage it might look, for the sake of arguement, that actinic is trying to put your homepage in the online site folder.

            Now i only mentition this for the sake of arguement and i doubt anyone would be so stupid to do this themselves right..........shhhhh!
            Boxhedge New Media Design
            Design and development solutions for SME's.
            Tel: 0118 966 2786
            Examples of work can be found at


              Guess What Bangers Did!!

              * forum won't let me shout

