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Code to include section head text automatically within fragments

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    Code to include section head text automatically within fragments

    Hi everyone,
    I'm wanting to use duplicate content on a wide variety of pages, probably 1000 or so, the only thing that will change is that on each page I want to include the section head text within the the text that i'm writing. I don't want to have to copy the text 1000 times for each different fragment. Is there any code I can use that tells actinic to use the section head text as the next word in what i'm writing.

    I know duplicate content is a no no for search engines but it's specific to the product so is the best for the person who surfs in via google.

    Not sure if i made myself clear.

    thanks in advance

    If the text is added to the overall layout, then it will show on every page naturally. You could just insert section name as and where you want it. That would do all you need then. You could use pagetype=section (pseudo) to make sure it only shows on sections.


      Thanks, you're right adding the code to the page will save me having to use the fragment, but what code to I put into the template file to tell it when to call up the section head text within my text ?


        Navigate to an example page, select the design tab, and then click on a name and you will see what variable actinic uses in that area.


          Brilliant, sorted it thanks

