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Best Seller used as Featured

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    Best Seller used as Featured

    Hi Guys

    Im using the Best Seller feature to act as my featured product section on the right hand side.

    I have followed the instructions from the other threads on this topic and have got the desired affect minus the fact that only the title for the products are appearing.

    What I would like is to have the image of the product and possibly the price appear as well. I am pretty new to actinic and so I have been stumbling through the settings trying to find the answer but its a no go :-(

    Can anyone solve this problem for me please



    I presume from what you say and the also the lack of a URL that you just have numbered lists at the moment? If so, then go into site options and choose some of the other standard options you have, start with "mini best seller layout", there's a couple at your disposal.

