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snapshot warning

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    snapshot warning

    hello, only had this message when i've been taking a snapshot and have no idea what it means, can i have a translation please !

    Warning: the html templates specify source files (with “SRC=”commands)
    that reside in directories other than the online store folder than the website.
    Actinic cannot handle these files and they are being omitted from the list of files to upload.

    No source files in the template should have a path. Store them in the site specified directory locally, and they will be uploaded to the actinic web directory.

    The same question was answered the other day, have you checked the templates for source files?.


      ah i see, it's the same warning then? sorry i'm not too well up just yet as you can tell, i won't need telling a third time! i thought this had a different meaning to the last one, and i haven't had chance to replace all the images just yet and needed to send another snapshot. many thanks for your reply once again (and patience!)




          Originally posted by leehack View Post
          oooh, I SO would

          (btw, I love how Gabe is hosting that! you nicked it, Hackett??)


            Originally posted by TraceyHand View Post
            oooh, I SO would

            (btw, I love how Gabe is hosting that! you nicked it, Hackett??)
            I don't nick anything ex-bumpsy (ok untrue, i have the sanity of my mental wife), i have full and granted permission. He has a few others stored up, just not had the right opportunity to use them yet .


              Originally posted by leehack View Post
              I don't nick anything ex-bumpsy (ok untrue, i have the sanity of my mental wife),
              I can't imagine that she could have been in possession of that when you both met!!


                very witty people very witty . . . . . . . . its alright for you lot that (allegedly) know what you're talking about . . . . i'm an expert in my own field i'll have you know . . . . . . .

                it's just when i come out of the field that the problems arise lol


                  Originally posted by trafford View Post
                  i'm an expert in my own field i'll have you know . . . . . . .
                  Come on then let's have it? what is it?

                  Don't say hypnotist please .


                    no i meant when i'm actually in my field, like as in walking about in it lol


                      lol, ah a farmer, cool, only farmers have fields or rich buggers .


                        erm well maybe field was a bit ambitious . . . does a big garden count if you have to use a ride on mower to cut the grass lol? anyway . . . back on topic, maybe not the topic i stated off with but a topic nonetheless . . . . i like to think it just carries on where the other left off . .

                        so i have changed the domain i.p's in the existing contol panel of easyspace (a contradiction in terms? ) to point to actinic instead of easyspace (yes, all on my own) and now i have to wait for something to happen, apparently, for 24 to 48 hours lol . . . . . . (divine intervention?)

                        i imported the new network settings into actinic . . . so when i see whatever happens in said time scale , do i have to use the ftp/filezilla to upload it all again or do i just do that refresh website bit in actinic? does it do the same thing or does actinic not have an ftp client built in?


                          That would only be for pages not created by the software. Yes it has it's own built in FTP.


                            You'll need more than divine intervention if using easyspace, you'll need what us commoners with small gardens refer to as a 'kin miracle.

                            Actinic will do all the uploading via the refresh button, once you get the network settings to work with easyspace, which in fact you probably won't. So what you will actually find now is a site that doesn't work on a hosting account that doesn't work - chin up though huh?


                              many thanks for the replies mrs.peb . . .

                              but you are misreading me mr.hack, we have seen the light and have moved AWAY from easyspace ! for all the reasons you stated though so accurate assumptions there 10/10 go grab yourself a donut and a cuppa lol

