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VAT figure question

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    VAT figure question

    fishing for ideas here asa i haven't been able to get an answer off support yet and it seems sending snapshots via mail aren't getting there and no confirmation that my ftp attempt at it worked either yet.. . . . .

    basically the vat figure that's showing on the invoice isn't right, i.e if i take an order value of £51.79 it shows the vat as £5.74. initially i thought it had something to do with the shipping costs or the vat out of that and after a phone call i altered the shipping so that the tick is taken out of the 'shipping costs include tax' box, that just didn't make sense to me and still doesn't but what do i know lol.

    is there a setting or group of them i can check to know i have things set up right? after finally solving the email puzzle this is the last thing still getting on my wick and i'd like to kill it

    thank you . . . .

    Tax tab in business settings .


      Look at the order details for the example you've given.

      If you double click each item on the order you should be able to see the product price and how much VAT is being added / included.

      It shouldn't take too long to see where the problem is.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        tax mode advanced, product prices include vat, tax rounding-order, tax rounding -standard, vat -normal 15%, tax by location? always apply taxes, tax 1 vat and no tick in apply exemption.

        mike, if in click into the product at £39.99 rrp it tells me the tax is £5.22 which is wrong, i'm not sure what you mean.


          Originally posted by trafford View Post
          mike, if in click into the product at £39.99 rrp it tells me the tax is £5.22 which is wrong,
 is it wrong, exactly?

          If £39.99 is a VAT inclusive price, then £5.22 is the VAT part of that price


            lol . . . it's a fair cop guvnor . . ok i should have used my brain before i posted that . . . the figure is wrong at the end so from that i deduce the problem is with the vat from the shipping in the combined total?

            vats no my field either . . . but seeing as i'm the one tasked with sorting this site out i don't have much of a choice lol


              ok, so taking your first example.
              What does each orderline show (price and vat) and what do the totals show?
              What IS the shipping price? And is it to set include or exclude VAT?


                Can you give an example the breakdown of product price, shipping charge and VAT, someone might then spot how Actinic has arrived at the figures.
                Darren Guppy
                Golf Tee Warehouse
                Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                  i'll have to come back to this tomorrow to give you exact figures as i'm not at work right now, it's just bugging me (enough to be posting in my own time anyway lol) as it's holding me back from getting on with putting product on the site!

                  but, as i wrote above, after a call to support the lady i spoke to got me to change the tickbox so it doesn't say 'shipping costs includes tax' which i didn't think was right but then again, it wasn't working the figures out properly with a tick in the box . . .

                  i'll post tomorrow morning, i have another burning issue i need to post about lol, thanks for your replies


                    I am experiencing a similar problem, Actinic seems to have gone completely wonky when it comes to VAT..

                    If I search for a product on my site, it comes up with a price that is approx 13.1% lower than the actual product price. When you then click on the searched product, the price is correct on the product page.

                    I thought this was a problem in itself but when I add something to my cart the "including VAT at" price is also showing this weird 13.1% figure.. Until I choose a delivery country and hey presto the right price comes back at 17.5%.

                    I haven't made any changes to the structure of the site, let alone tax settings for ages and this has only been happening for a few days now.



                      Got to check your tax settings as the first port of call, whether you have touched them or not, something is amiss. Dont forget on each product you can set vat rules too, check that out on the problem products if indeed it seems to be a few products suffering this and not them all.


                        I've checked tax settings and nothing is wrong there... also this is happening to every single product, new and old.

                        Really causing me loads of issues with customers at the moment. Any other ideas? If it was the tax settings what would cause the VAT amount to change anyway?


                          99.99% of vat issues are down to people incorrectly calculating and perceiving an error that does in fact not exist. That doesn't mean yours is the same, but if you can provide a screenshot of a product in actinic, a link to it live on your site and tell us what you think should be happening and what is happening, we can take a more detailed look.

