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Home page lost and jumps to "about:blank"

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    Home page lost and jumps to "about:blank"

    Please help. This has only happened in last few days. Using V9.05 Business plus.

    My home page which has an inserted page suddenly jumps to a blank page

    If I reupload it works fine. Did it last night at 6pm and site was working normally at 11pm viewed on 3 separate computers. This morning it has again lost the home page.

    Has anyone any ideas. Is this Actinic or my hosting company causing it?

    The set up has worked fine for over 4 years with a FrontPage section being inserted in a fragment using

    !!<<iframe src="" style="width: 800px; height: 525px"
    scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0">

    FrontPage has uploaded properly and can be viewed by itself.

    Any Ideas gratefully received


    Kaspersky is reporting a virus on the page for me, i think your site has been hijacked. Time to check your computer thoroughly, change all your passwords, clean your server and then reupload it. Been a few instances of this lately.


      Originally posted by leehack View Post
      Kaspersky is reporting a virus on the page for me, i think your site has been hijacked. Time to check your computer thoroughly, change all your passwords, clean your server and then reupload it. Been a few instances of this lately.
      Did full upload and it seems to have solved the problem.

      Thank you for your advice.


