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Searchable properties showing "or" not "and"

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    Searchable properties showing "or" not "and"

    hi all,
    I have a quick search feature on a site I am developing which has a number of searchable properties.

    It also has the default "search by price band" as another option.

    i have the "combining result" set to "AND" but the results are effectively coming back as "OR".

    For example if someone selects age (option) as 10yrs and selects a price of £10 to £20 it returns all results which are for 10yrs and also all results for under £20. Not the products that are both 10yrs and under £20.

    I read somehwere though it was for a v7 site which required more customization that searchable property couldn't be optional, do i have to untick this option for "AND" to work.


    p.s it also uses Norman's search results list customization found #8 #9 here - which works fine but i thought I should mentition it.
    Boxhedge New Media Design
    Design and development solutions for SME's.
    Tel: 0118 966 2786
    Examples of work can be found at

    another thought, as actinic has the price band options there by defualt does it treat this differently to your other searchable properties?

    So price is by default "AND" but you can select your other properties to be "AND" or "OR"
    Boxhedge New Media Design
    Design and development solutions for SME's.
    Tel: 0118 966 2786
    Examples of work can be found at


      Hi All,
      Tricky isn't it.
      maybe if I provide the code of my quick search form someone can see a glaring mistake. Here it is:
      <div id="toy-finder">
      <h2>Toy finder</h2>
      <div id="toy-finder-content">
      <form name="simplesearch" method="get" action="<actinic:variable name="OnlineScriptURL" value="Search Script URL" />">
      <input type="hidden" name="page" value="search" />
      <input type="hidden" name="TB" value="A" />
      <actinic:variable name="SearchablePropertyList" />
      <actinic:variable name="SearchPriceBandList" />
      <input type="text" id="search" name="SS" value="" maxlength="256" />
      <button type="submit">Go</button>
      Boxhedge New Media Design
      Design and development solutions for SME's.
      Tel: 0118 966 2786
      Examples of work can be found at


        Ah I think I have found the problem but don't know why it is happeing.

        i looked inside my customsearch.fil file to find that my properties were being searched for using Or rather than AND.

        At this point i haven't stopped having actinic maintain the forms but i now think i will and will just amend the file to work appropriately + if I need to I'll change the form to work without actinic mainting it.
        Boxhedge New Media Design
        Design and development solutions for SME's.
        Tel: 0118 966 2786
        Examples of work can be found at


          Can't help but just wanted you not to feel alone on your thread LOL


            Cheers Tracey,
            As you can see from my thread, I found the problem, I'm not sure why it is doing it but changing it manually had the desired results.

            Now I just have to test to make sure Actinic doesn't overwrite incorrectly when maybe another value is added to a property or another property is added (for example).
            If it doesn't then great but if it does then I'll have to break the link between actinic maintaining the form and create an independant version.

            Thanks for the support
            Boxhedge New Media Design
            Design and development solutions for SME's.
            Tel: 0118 966 2786
            Examples of work can be found at

