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how to add button - back to top of page

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    how to add button - back to top of page

    New on the forum and just oploaded my new store this morning.

    As the title says. I want a button you can click that takes you to the top of the page. At the moment the button reads store top which then switches to a page showing all the product catalogues. I just want the customer to be able to go from the bottom to the top of the page, not change the page alltogether.

    Which button on the navigation icon list is that one?


    Welcome, Frida.

    Which button on the navigation icon list is that one?
    None of them. You have to make your own. Luckily it's easy.

    Not much point having one on the navigation bar as that's usually at the top of the page anyway. You want one near the bottom surely. Here's one way that will put such a link on every page:-

    In your Overall Layout, just after the <body .....> line, put the following:

    <a name="pagetop"></a>

    Where you want the button put:

    <a href="#pagetop">Top of page</a>

    That was a simple text link but you could have a button like:

    <input type="button" value="Top of page" onclick="location.href='#pagetop';"/>

    Or make up an image and use that:

    <a href="#pagetop"><img src="pagetopimage.gif" alt="Page Top"/></a>
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      You could do it this way:

      Create a fragment at the top of the page in question. Surround the fragment title with a tag like this:

      !!<<a name="top">fragment title</A> >!!

      Then create another fragment at the bottom of the page with no text, just a title like "Back to Top" and surround the title with these tags:

      !!<<a href="#top">Back to top</A> >!!

      Or just do it with text anchor tags and no fragments.
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        <a name="pagetop"></a>

        Where you want the button put

        <a href="#pagetop">Top of page</a>

        Did that but it takes you to the bottom of the page, not the top Where am I going wrong?



          Where you've added it is where you will be taken to, so one suspects you've not put it in the right place. With no URL or info on what you did exactly, we are merely guessing though.


            OK obviously put it in the wrong place see below. Where should it go?
            (I did say I am new to this!
            <style type="text/css">
            body {
            background-image: url('theme_palette1.gif');

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            sf1Hover = function() {
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              Hmm you're putting the link in the same place that the anchor is, you're already there, so would never need to use it like that. Remember one part of the code denotes where you go to, the other is what you click to get there, so if they both in the same place, that's like standing outside your house and calling a taxi to take you home.

              This part:

              <actinic:variable name="INNERLAYOUT" />
              <a name="pagetop"></a>
              <a href="#pagetop">Top of page</a>

              could be done as:

              <a name="pagetop"></a>
              <actinic:variable name="INNERLAYOUT" />
              <a href="#pagetop">Top of page</a>


                I gathered that is where I was going wrong.

                Are you saying that if I replace this
                <actinic:variable name="INNERLAYOUT" />
                <a name="pagetop"></a>
                <a href="#pagetop">Top of page</a>

                With this
                <a name="pagetop"></a>
                <actinic:variable name="INNERLAYOUT" />
                <a href="#pagetop">Top of page</a>

                It will work?


                  Originally posted by Fridat View Post
                  It will work?
                  I certainly hope so, why not try it and find out?


                    It works! Thank you !

                    Althought it does not show the main header when back to top but at least goes to the top of the parts lists.




                      Althought it does not show the main header when back to top
                      It will if you follow my first post (#2):-

                      In your Overall Layout, just after the <body .....> line, put the following:

                      <a name="pagetop"></a>

                      Just look for the line starting <body and put it after that line.

                      In your #6 post it's the line:

                      <body onload="<actinic:variable name="OnLoadScript" value="PreloadImages" />">
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

