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Restore Orders Tab | Date Ordered Missing

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    Restore Orders Tab | Date Ordered Missing

    Hi, we used to have our orders organized by 'date ordered', but it's not visible, maybe i minimized it to small or removed it completely i'm not sure, but all i know is that it's not there anymore. Is there anyway to restore the order tabs to their orginal form!? I know this tab still exists, as i installed v9 again and just before i imported our snapshot the tab was visible, but once i had imported it had disappeared. Any help would be great.

    Cheers FrAz
    Cheers FrAz

    I've found the tab now, it was cleverly hidden between packing list and shipping class....lovely!
    Cheers FrAz


      If you right click on the order column headings, you can choose which headings you want displayed or not.



        Can't seem to do it in our version of Actinic, we are using Catalog v9.0.5. Could the be a business setting?
        Cheers FrAz


          Yes, sorry, that's only available in Business and above.



            I had to come back to this post as i had the sdame issue again and couldn't remeber for the life of me how i found the tab again. If anyone else minimises the 'Date Ordered' tab and then can't remember where it should have been to get it back (Actinic - Catalog users only). The tab is between the 'Colour' & 'Shipping Class' tabs, so just hover round there and you should be able to pull the tab back into existance!

            Cheers FrAz
            Cheers FrAz


              I too had this problem when I upgraded the software to 9.05 JHZA using Actinc Catalog.

              When I rang actinic support they told me to right click on the headers to select which columns were displayed. When I told them I couldn't do this they told me to reinstall the software. Now I read on here that this feature is not available in catalog... Surely as a support subscriber they know which version of actinic I'm using!

              Thanks to this thread I have now solved this problem. Thank you!

              UK Online DIY Store - Tools, Locks & DIY Products


                That sounds like a true statement there. I find the forum a much better approach to finding answers to problems in Actinic as many of the people that post on here are in the same boat as you and have probably come across the problem before support have. If all else fails i give support a call, but i usuallly spend half an hour explaining the problem in full! Well i'm sure this is the first post that has actually helped someone! glad to of helped.

                Cheers FrAz


                  Chris, Fraz, thanks for your comments. You're right, they should have checked which edition of the software was being used before giving you advice. I'll reiterate this with the team.

                  We've made a lot of improvements within the support team over 2009 and they are usually pretty quick to understand a problem - of course, there are simple issues and more complex ones, so there's no uniform time for resolution, but the above should have been fixed pretty quickly.
                  Ben Popplestone
                  Ecommerce website software


                    Thanks for the post Ben and i fully understand what you are saying. I seem to get a better response now from support than i have in the past so that's an improvment in itself.

                    Cheers FrAz


                      While we're on the subject of the Orders Tab, we like the orders to be listed on the screen with the newest/latest orders listed from the top down.
                      Every time Actinic is opened, it reverts with the listing as oldest at the top, newest at the bottom.
                      Anyone know if there is there any way of fixing this so it defaults to however the user chooses, or maintains the ordering from the previous session when Actinic is opened?
                      Kind Regards
                      Sean Williams

                      Calamander Ltd


                        Hi Sean,

                        Unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate your issue. I'm checking this with the development team to see if they have any thoughts regarding this.


                          Originally posted by Sean Williams View Post
                          we like the orders to be listed on the screen with the newest/latest orders listed from the top down.
                          Every time Actinic is opened, it reverts with the listing as oldest at the top, newest at the bottom.
                          Anyone know if there is there any way of fixing this so it defaults to however the user chooses, or maintains the ordering from the previous session when Actinic is opened?
                          This was fixed in v9. Which version are you using?
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                            oops - sorry - V8.5.1
                            Kind Regards
                            Sean Williams

                            Calamander Ltd


                              Hi Sean,

                              Jules is correct. This bug was fixed in v903. I suggest using latest v905 as there are more fixes added.

