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Another question! (Please Help Obi Wan Community, you're my only hope!)

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    Another question! (Please Help Obi Wan Community, you're my only hope!)

    Sorry if my questions are annoying! And big thanks to those who have helped me so far You are stars!
    I've nearly finished the site from hell Basically, I need to include a top navigation bar, which i've included as a table (but havent coded the links for yet) you can see it at the top of the screenshot i've included as the words saying: home, about, restaurant etc. Thats not as big a problem as the one underneath the layout, Overall layout is "Two Header Bars - one sidebar-Horz Nav Bar 2". The logo, search box are in a table, and the green bar below is in a table with a class secondbar.
    What I would really like to do is move the navigation bar that says 'home' store top, terms etc along the green strip to the bottom of the page above the footer.
    This is so that I can replace that text navigation along the green bar with another one which would read 'fish, meat, wine etc 'and link to the corresponding catalogue pages.
    This is the most important part for the site, and i'm utterly confused as to how to even begin to do do this? Is it easy to create a new horizontal text navigation bar and to place it in there? and is it easy for me to move the existing nav bar to the bottom above the footer? I haven't uploaded the site, as I keep getting an http error! (i'll deal with that tomorrowguess it's been a case of getting flung in the deep end with this one!)
    Thanks again, apologies for being so annoying!
    Anne M

    Just treat it in the way you moved the Checkout.

    However, I strongly advise against this. Visitors will expect to find those links exactly where they are that's why Actinic put them there as default and why most sites you visit have them there.

    Army Gore-tex
    Winter Climbing Mitts
    webD's Blog: Website design, SEO and other ramblings…
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      Thanks Web
      I didn't think it would be a good idea to move them there either, but thats how the (print?!)designer who designed the look envisaged it! I told him, I may have to make certain changes, so i've moved it up so it's still the first thing a customer can see. It now looks like this:
      Now, all I need to do is replace the navigation from the green bar with my own navigation bar. Is there an easy way for me to create a text navigation and just drop it in? Like the:
      <td align="right">
      block If BrochureNavBar/block

      Except instead of using BrochureNavBar, I would be using my own nav bar. How do I go about declaring and creating a new nav bar?

      Thanks again for all your time
      Anne M


        What sort of navbar do you want to use?

        Can you not just edit the existing links/css/html to give you what you want. Or just delete it and enter the code you want to use?

        Remember to keep making snapshots and to check different browsers to see if the site looks the same across the board

        Army Gore-tex
        Winter Climbing Mitts
        webD's Blog: Website design, SEO and other ramblings…
        Twitter LinkedIN

        If you think a post is good, rate it!

        Find the answers in the Knowledge Base | Have you read the User Guides


          Hey again Web
          Yip, I just coded in the table Once again, thank you for all your help! It's been stressful, but i'm starting to get the hang of things I hope
          I will get my links working and I think I will call it a night, I have all day at work to get it right
          Anne M

