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Current link highlighted in nav

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    Current link highlighted in nav

    Hi there,

    New to Actinic and just trying to work out the variables I'd need for the following:

    In the navigation/brochure nav, I just need to add a 'current' class to the a link if the page/section currently being viewed matches that. I was planning on using a block if to display the class in the TopLevelSectionList layout.

    Presumably the brochure nav is iterating through the list of sections and displaying a TopLevelSectionLink layout for each, therefore presumably the section's name can be matched with the PageName or something?

    Does anyone have any advice or even just a list of variables that could be useful? I seem to be struggling on compiling a simple if statement : (

    I'm a seasoned PHP user if anyone thinks it would be easier to achieve with that?

    Many thanks

    Please see the following article in the knowledgebase: -
    Last edited by KB2; 22-Mar-2010, 11:03 AM. Reason: Updating kb links

