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V9 Checkout page

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    V9 Checkout page

    Hello - How do I list "also bought items" or "advertise other items" in my shopping cart i.e. a bit like the marketing options in normal listings?

    Example = If you go to Amazon to look up Madona's latest item and buy it they list her back catalogue on the shopping cart section to entice customers to buy another...hope this makes sense?
    Tel: 0845 1080047 - Website:

    It's an option in the marketing menu for also boughts but only if you have the business version, which i presume you don't have otherwise you'd have seen it. Related products is possible in catalog though, again the option is in the marketing menu where you select how many you want to show.


      Originally posted by leehack View Post
      It's an option in the marketing menu for also boughts but only if you have the business version, which i presume you don't have otherwise you'd have seen it. Related products is possible in catalog though, again the option is in the marketing menu where you select how many you want to show.
      Hello we do have a business system but, only upgraded 2 weeks ago hence we are learning - please supply a complete idiots guide for us as we are complete idiots on this side - your help would be brilliant, please call if it is easier - 07786684159
      Tel: 0845 1080047 - Website:


        David, the community is staffed by volunteers. I guess that some people would be happy to help you to this extent if you were happy to pay a consultancy fee?

        If not, then a good read through the documentation, starting with the getting started guide, then the help within the product, will get you on the right track.

        You could then ask about the parts that don't make sense and I'm sure people would help on here.



          Lee and Chris

          Thanks for your replies guys, I understand how to add a few products to a listing for marketing however; the bit I am confused at is adding a few products under the checking out page i.e. to encourage an additional purchase be it a best seller or any chosen item that we want to add to get a reply on this problem
          Tel: 0845 1080047 - Website:


            The related products will show in the checkout by default. Try it

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              I have not implemented this myself but have you tried the following:

              1. Go to 'Also Bought' in the Marketing menu.
              2. Tick the 'Enabled' box
              3. Adjust the 'Maximum number of items to be Listed in Shopping Cart' value to wahtever you require.
              4. Adjust any other values as required.
              5. Click Ok
              6. Publish to Web
              Darren Guppy
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