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Component Pricing

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    Component Pricing

    Component Pricing

    I don’t think you can do this. But what I want is to have minus on some of the choices.

    I have a range of products but only have photos of some of them and they do them in all different sizes.

    So I have a photo of a ball60. They also do a ball 25 , 40 and 80.

    Ball 60 £600
    Ball 25 £250
    Ball 40 £400
    Ball 80 £800

    I want the price on the page to be £600 and the drop down box to say

    Ball60 £0.00
    Ball25 -£350
    Ball40 -£200
    Ball80 +£400

    Ant Ideas

    Elliott - Weybridge Lights

    I have a similar need, I have a maintenance/repair service where I supply the parts needed, but occasionally a customer will have already bought the required part(s) for his item separately and sends them to me to use (because he doesn't have time or doesn't know how to fit them). So I want a permutation where a customer can choose "parts being sent" and get a discount of -£5 for example. As soon as I put a negative value in the price field it gives an error. Any ideas?
    Martin : Web services : Twitter


      Originally posted by martinkay View Post
      I have a similar need, I have a maintenance/repair service where I supply the parts needed, but occasionally a customer will have already bought the required part(s) for his item separately and sends them to me to use (because he doesn't have time or doesn't know how to fit them). So I want a permutation where a customer can choose "parts being sent" and get a discount of -£5 for example. As soon as I put a negative value in the price field it gives an error. Any ideas?
      I had no joy doing the way i explained. But my work around is.

      Have my product price as same as the photo and then have the Component pricing at the full price and set to override. So i have all my sizes included the size in the photo in the drop down list. The only other thing i change was the layout of the drop down list to take out the + sign.
      Elliott - Weybridge Lights

