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Referral Script Problem

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    Referral Script Problem

    Hi All,

    I'm trying to implement the referral script ( so I can do a bit of additional tracking

    I've done what it says in the advanced users guide - set the text for userdefined3 to "Referrer" but kept it hidden and I can verify that it gets set properly in the .session file after being redirected by the script with the correct arguments

    However when I download the orders with Actinic (9.0.5JHZA), the information is missing, sUserDefinedGeneral is null in the Orders table and I can't seem to see where else the Referrer might be stored/shown

    Am I missing something obvious? Any ideas?

    Through further investigation I've found that the information gets lost in the SSL bounce transition.. turning off SSL completely resulted in the order being downloaded with the "Referrer" field intact and it shows up on the General Tab of the Order Details

    Unfortunately SSL is required so disabling it is not an option.. I've been digging through the Perl scripts and it looks like some of the session data is transferred in the bounce process but for some reason it lacks the USERDEFINED/Referrer value

    Is this a known issue or am I completely off base here?

    The easiest way forward that I can see is to store another cookie via the script and read it back into the USERDEFINED/Referrer variable during the checkout process

