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new early starter

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    new early starter

    using trial versions at present & slowly pushing items in, the situation is as follows:

    I have a section foe a paint range,
    In the range there are 20 colours.
    in these colours there are 4 sizes.

    *however not all sizes are available in all colours*

    what's the most concise way of listing theses for unconfused selection by client.

    this will be repeated in many other sections of multi choice items.

    would appreciate as much help as poss, & will certainly be back from time to time to make additional queries.............cheers ... pete

    Welcome, Peter.

    Actinic can do this by displaying a grid of add to cart buttons - showing buttons only for the available combinations.

    Create a no frills product.

    Within this product, create a Component - call it e.g. Selection.

    Add a Colour Attribute to this Component.

    Add colour Choices to this Attribute.

    Add a Size Attribute to this Component.

    Add size Choices to this Attribute.

    Select the Component, click the Permutations tab, do Fill List.

    Then uncheck Valid for the unavailable combinations.

    Finally, to get the display in Push Buttons, select the product and in the Properties tab, set Attributes in Push Button Grid to 2.

    You can get further help on all this from Actinic's Help. Look for Components, Permutations, and "How do I show the options for this product as a set of add to cart buttons".
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman........will give this a try this week.

