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help with pdf link

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    help with pdf link

    Hi, Ive added a simple link to pdf files on the product pages. but its gone mad.

    click on the link : Click Here For Full Technical Specification

    whats gone wrong there ??? do i fix it
    Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

    Looks like bad coding, perhaps you could show us the code you have added instead, easier to see the error then. Better still why not use the link tab on the product itself?


      In your HTML code - it comes out like this (which is wrong):

      <a href="<span style='color: #000000;'></span>"><span style='color: #000000;'>Click Here For Full Technical Specification</span></br></a>

      can you post your actinic code / product description?


        it is in the link tab within the product.

        I went into design and clicked on "productlinktext" and changed the color to red. but ive changed it back to automatic now.

        Other than that, I'm pretty sure ive not messed with anything else to do with that part.

        what code do you need to see ? where ?
        Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


          If you've used the link tab, i'd assume that either your product layout has a fault or maybe you have not added something correctly. Can you let us know what you have inserted on the link tab. As you've been dabbling on the product layout, i suspect you have broken something in there, select a different product layout to narrow down what is at fault.


            its only on the simple link...

            Ive entered the text " click here for tech spec"

            and links to file : 910-0035pumpingstationbrochuremini.pdf

            thats it
            Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


              I've seen problems with filenames beginning with numbers before, but i don't think that is your problem here. Did you try what i suggested?


                yes, and i can see one difference...

                When i click on the "productlinktext" and edit apperance. it has 00000 in the font color

                But when i use another layout its blank, but it wont let me blank it, just to pick a color
                Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


                  I think your playing around with the color has left some errant code in there, which is breaking the html. If you took a snapshot before you did the change, just import that it will be easier to revert. If you didn't take one, then do yourself a massive favour and start taking one before you go playing, it will save you a lot of time and heartache.

                  On design tab where you changed it, the top left icon in the title bar allows you to expannd the code so you see what sits behind the variable name for instance. Here you will see the lingering code. Compare this variable to another one on page and note the extra stuff in there that doesn't need to be, you can manually remove that, there is no auto way to do it. Reverting the layout in the design library is another way if you haven't changed much.


                    in an ideal world you wouldn't have styling within the a href

                    <a href="<span style='color: #000000;'></span>"><span style='color: #000000;'>Click Here For Full Technical Specification</span></br></a>
                    should be
                    <a href="">Click Here For Full Technical Specification</a>
                    with the spans etc outside the <a and /a>

                    and watch out for the www which i notice was missing in your original post


                      Ive done it !!!!!!!!!!!!

                      It was because i changed the font color in edit apperance. so i removed the formating and its working.

                      But new problem, I want the font red, but now how do i go about changing that ?
                      Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


                        Can you change it in theme configuration where you define the global link colors or will that screw something else up?


                          nope, dont like that.....

                          can i edit the html on the

                          <font color="red">productlinktext</font>

                          or will that screw something up in the overall code ???
                          Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

