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Section page titles

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    Section page titles

    It's me again guys, I have another question for you:

    I've noticed that if I don't use the "page title" field on a section actinic will use what's specified in the name filed under general, but it will also precede it with the company name when you look at it online, for example:

    The section name in actinic for this page: is "HoBao Hyper 10 RTR Nitro RC Touring Car Street Version", but the title displayed on the browser is: "Nitro RC HoBao Hyper 10 RTR Nitro RC Touring Car Street Version". Would you happen to know if I can remove/modify that Nitro RC initial bit without having to specify a page title under page settings for each section?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Don't leave them blank Matt, always fill them in, they're a very important area when designing a page, there's a tutorial on creating sections on my site, have a read of that and get used to doing things in the correct and best way. You can't adjust the way it forms the title, that is purely a failsafe and should be treated as such.


      Point taken, thanks!

