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Strange Actinic Code in Live Site

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    Strange Actinic Code in Live Site

    Hi there,

    I have been using Actinic for a few years on and off for one of my clients and have recently updated their site with a new design, using the CSS layout as a base and building from there.

    The template I created was valid HTML but I've noticed that Actinic inserts a few bits of markup that aren't valid HTML and seem to be something for Actinic itself rather than presentation. These bits of code appear in red in the Actinic text editor and also appear in the published site.

    (I hope that makes sense!).

    An example, is this which exists in the code for the "Mini New Products Item" that appears on my homepage and also in the live published HTML:

    <Actinic:PRICES PROD_REF="294" RETAIL_PRICE_PROMPT="Including  VAT at 17.5% and FREE UK DELIVERY  :">
    Another example is in the <head> area of my site:

    <Actinic:COOKIECHECK />
    I'm a bit of a code nut and it drives me mad that I have these chunks of god only knows what inside my site.

    Can anyone please explain what these things are, whether I need them and if I can remove them?

    Thanks so much!


    They are actinic specific tags needed to do various functions on the site, product prices and cookies in your 2 examples. You do need them and they cannot be gotten rid of if you want the site to continue functioning. I understand what you are saying, really i do, but you just have to accept them i'm afraid. You are effectively opening up the bonnet of your car and asking if you can remove a few cables as they're not to your liking. Leave well alone, there's 10k+ of other users and they all have them too.


      The Actinic tags are ignored by all browsers so in practise have zero impact where they appear in the HTML.



        Originally posted by cbarling View Post
        The Actinic tags are ignored by all browsers so in practise have zero impact where they appear in the HTML.
        That's what I don't get... they dont' actually seem to *do* anything... what is the point in them being output to the browser when they have no purpose?

        I could understand if the Actinic tags were replaced by actual HTML, PHP or Javascript, but no browsers can parse them or understand them so I can't see why they are there.

        Does Actinic parse the referring page and use these tags or something?

        For me it's like opening up my can of Spagetti hoops and finding little beetles swimming about. They don't seem to do any harm, but it's annoying and nasty to look at.


          They are used by various scripts at various stages to do various things. Customer account pricing IF someone has logged in would be a typical example.


            Have a look at the Cart, view the source, and see what the Actinic BASEHREF has been replaced with.

            This should show that these hombrew tags actually do something.

            Now please relax and forget about them.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

