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Scripting Error - Session Error

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    Scripting Error - Session Error

    Hi All,

    I've got a client using Actinic 9.5 running on Windows XP, with a website experiencing an out of the blue scripting error that occurs whenever something is added to cart, or a product is searched for.

    I've tried site refresh and it didn't resolve the issue. I'm now in the process of trying resolve the issue using the trouble shoot refresh whereby all the .cat and .fil files are deleted and refreshed.

    Fingers cross it works.

    Here's the message we get:

    A General Script Error Occurred
    Error: Error opening ../public_html/musical-instrument-shop/86Z163Z74Z136A1264867065B8723.session (Permission denied)Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    Has anyone had this type of message before? is it more likely to be an Actinic issue rather than a hosting issue?

    1st untick use enhanced ftp in your network setup then refresh the website

    if you still have the problem check the permissions on your folders on the server and change them to the correct values


      thanks for suggestion

      Found out the hosting company had experienced technical issues

      all working fine now

