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Continue Shopping Page Location After Search!!

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    Continue Shopping Page Location After Search!!

    I saw a similar problem on the forum some time back, but it was unanswered or the answer wasn't posted.

    There's also another post which i've tried but to no avail as it doesn't work if you update the cart.

    The problem only happens when you get to a product via searching, add the product to your basket and then click the "Continue Shopping" button. It takes you back to the last page you were on before you started searching. Surely it should take you back to the last section you were in, where you added the product to your cart?
    (By the way this happens on every actinic store i've been on!)

    Navigating through the site using links, adding a product to the cart and then selecting "Continue Shopping" works correctly.
    I've tried refreshing, i've not done anything with the scripts and even if i had, i'm testing this on an actinic trial site so the scripts aren't uploaded.
    Cake Decorating and Sugarcraft Supplies... FAST

    I would contact Actinic support as it sounds as if you are trialling the software and their hosting - you get 30 days free telephone support from them.


      Thanks for the reply Jo. I'm not trailing the software, im just testing my site to be on the trial site.

      Just though someone on here would be able to help, considering (to me) how much of an obvious problem it is.
      Cake Decorating and Sugarcraft Supplies... FAST


        Just to let anyone interested know I sorted this problem out with a sneaky bit of javascript, I've had no adverse side effects so far.
        Reply to this thread if your interested because the code will need commenting/cleaning up for use someone else to use and I currently can't be bothered.
        Cake Decorating and Sugarcraft Supplies... FAST


          I'd be interested in seeing how you got around this.

