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General Script Error

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    General Script Error

    My computer recently crashed and I had to re download V9.05. Unfortunately I hadnt got a recent back up so I imported an old back up but copied my newer files into my Sites1 folder after importing the older back up. The site looks fine until I try to go to shop and I get a web page that says:
    A GENERAL SCRIPT ERROR HAS OCCURED - Error: There was a problem with some information in the online shop so we cannot take your order. Please contact the shop owner with this information so that they can rectify the problem. Details: The version number (27) of one of your uploaded data files (Setup blob) is incompatible with the existing script version (26). Solution: Refresh the site.

    I tried refreshing the site but I still get the same message. Help would be appreciated. Thanks

    Was you running shop v905 or an earlier version such as v902, v903 or v904 etc?

    After copying over your recent Site1 data and then opening Actinic did Actinic run through an upgrade procedure before opening the site?

    I think you should repeat the procedure. Uninstall Actinic, install the same version that you were using previously before the problem, import your last snapshot, close Actinic and copy over Site1 and contents, open Actinic and do a complete site purge and refresh.

    If you don't know what version you were using before then if you have MS Access you can see the four character code corresponding to the version in the Setup table.

    Lesson learnt I hope.


      you could try a purge and refresh, this should update the scripts in your site on the desk top and hopefully fix the problem online


        ah hah the old setup blob thingy again


          Unfortunatley I dont have the original version as it was wiped from my computer when it crashed, all I had was the data which I manually imported into the new version. Any ideas?


            I dont have the original version
            Yiou just need the same version number. You can download them from here


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Thanks Jo that worked

