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Change Order Number based on VAT

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    Change Order Number based on VAT

    I would like to split my VAT payments from my NON VAT payments in order to make the accounting easier, is it possible to make an adjustment to the orderscript to make orders that include VAT to have a different Prefix to those that do not include VAT.

    All of the transactions in paypal and Actinic payments have the order number listed, if I could add a prefix to all orders that the customer paid VAT on, and a different prefix for all orders that had zero VAT on them, I would be able to split them in the actinic payments report and enter them as 2 payments (one with VAT and one without VAT). At the moment it is a long process exporting the orders to sage and reconciling each individual payment.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Yes. It would be possible. Actinic creates the order number after getting the address details so it should be possible to test for VAT=0 at that point and add a prefix to the number.

    There is advice on how to alter the scripts to change the order number. I'd have thought you just need one extra line of code to prefix the order number when VAT = 0.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thankyou for your reply, I can change the order number no problem, the bit I don't know is to test for VAT = 0, does anybody know what piece of code could do that?


