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Complicated Find & Replace on a CSV

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    Originally posted by eighteentee View Post
    ...because if I do that it'll get rid of the filename too and just replace everything with a "\". What I need to do is delete everything BUT the filename in that field.
    To extract just the file name, create a new column next to the column with the image file paths and paste this code in to it.

    Then change the cell references in red to where the image file paths is located on the same row. Drag it down and hey presto you have your file names
    "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


      Ha, yes, but he only wants to do this if NOT_CATALOG is in the path. My second bit of code posted above should do it.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Originally posted by olderscot View Post
        I think the OP has these the wrong way round Mike Not sure tho but it's the other way round for a file path
        "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


          I thought so too, but was just giving him the code that does what he asked for.

          It's written to leave stuff alone unless it find's what's being looked for. Less harmful that way.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Originally posted by olderscot View Post
            Ha, yes, but he only wants to do this if NOT_CATALOG is in the path. My second bit of code posted above should do it.

            Ha, i see. This should do it then

            Remember to change the cell references in red
            "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


              Originally posted by olderscot View Post
              I thought so too, but was just giving him the code that does what he asked for.

              It's written to leave stuff alone unless it find's what's being looked for. Less harmful that way.

              Fair point Mike, will remember that one
              "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


                It's certainly shorter than mine.

                I wonder if either of them will work?



                Fair point Mike, will remember that one
                Macros that overwrite stuff can be lethal. At least your way with a new column leaves the original data alone. Mine goes in and hacks it to bits, hence my tendency for caution. Three times bitten and all that stuff.

                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  Originally posted by olderscot View Post
                  Macros that overwrite stuff can be lethal. At least your way with a new column leaves the original data alone. Mine goes in and hacks it to bits, hence my tendency for caution. Three times bitten and all that stuff.
                  There's been many of time that i've ran a macro and forgotten to save it before hand . The magic 'ctrl z' can't help you there
                  "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


                    A find and replace will only replace if it finds what you tell it to, otherwise it does nothing. Either a jackhammer is being used to open up an M&M here or I have seriously lost the plot. A find and replace finds what you specify and changes it to what you tell it to when it finds that. It doesn't touch anything without the string. I'm still at a loss as to why a CTRL+H is not the perfect solution here?


                      Lee, I think the reason the standard Find & Replace is not suitable is because the OP is trying to remove more then just \NOT_CATALOG\ and is trying to remove the whole file path except the filename, although this was not made clear in the original post.
                      Darren Guppy
                      Golf Tee Warehouse
                      Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                        Ah that makes a bit more sense now. Excel formulas it would be for me too then. I'd count the length of the string when not_catalog is present, also the location of the last "/" and then extract from the string all characters from the (location+1) position.


                          My method of choice would either be as Norman suggested already; to use regular expressions in notepad++, or it would be to write a simple VBS script which opened the csv, read each line, found the field in question, performed the replace on an (IF "/NOT_CATALOG/" exists) condition, and then spit the results back out.

                          example here:


                          dim fso, readfile, contents, writefile, work 
                          dim FullFileName, ParentDirName, Filename, NewFilename 
                          set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
                          set readfile = fso.OpenTextFile(FullFileName, 1, false) 
                          set writefile = fso.CreateTextFile(NewFileName, 2) 
                          Do until readfile.AtEndOfStream = True 
                               contents = readfile.ReadLine 
                          If (Instr(contents,"NOT_CATALOG") > 0) then
                                     contents = Replace(["here you would have the relevant instrRev or Instr functions to find the "/" required to replace from"])
                          End if
                               writefile.writeLine contents 
                          set fso=nothing
                          Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                          Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                          SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                          SellerDeck Hosting
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                            The title of this thread is defiantly living up to it's name LOL
                            "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


                              Originally posted by fergusw View Post
                              use regular expressions
                              They scare me I have nightmares about them
                              "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


                                I read this as you have data in an Excel column like:


                                Where the mydir\mysubdir bit could vary a lot.

                                And you want:


                                Here's how to do it using Notepad++

                                In Excel, copy / paste the column containing these files to the clipboard.

                                Paste into Notepad++.

                                We should now have a list of filenames like.

                                Now in NotePad++ click Control/F and select Replace.

                                Set Find what to \\NOT_CATALOG\\.*\\
                                Set Replace with blank
                                Tick Regular Expression

                                Click Replace All.

                                All should change to strip the everything but the filename. E.g.

                                Now copy to clipboard, go back into Excel, click the first entry in the filename column and do Paste.

                                Repeat for any other Excel columns that might contain such filenames.


                                If you want to add a sub-folder path to these resulting file names then set

                                Replace with to SubFolder\

                                And we'll end up with
                                TECHNICAL NOTE:

                                I'm doing this on individual Excel columns, rather than directly on the .CSV file as the Notepad++ regexp engine does not support shortest length matching and we cannot risk this on lines that might contain more than one \NOT_CATALOG\ filename as we'd inadvertantly gobble up all the text between the first \NOT_CATALOG\ and the final ones filename.
                                Norman -
                                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

