Hello all 
I have searched around for a solution to this issue we are having with one of the sites we run for a customer, but cant find anything definative yet. I wonder if this rings a bell with anyone.
Actinic Support have looked at this for us, and had a snapshot of the site etc, and basically say they dont know why it is happening, must be something with the server.....
A week ago, all was working fine. (Version 8)
Now :
1. Add a product to the basket.
2. Arrive at /cgi-bin/ca000001.pl
3. Click on Checkout Now and arrive at /cgi-bin/os000001.pl?ACTION=Start&REFPAGE=http with the error
A General Script Error Occurred
Error: The input is NULLPress the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.
However, if I go back - look at another product and click on the Checkout link in the head of the page next to the View Basket link - I get taken to /cgi-bin/os000001.pl?ACTION=Start and the process works just fine.
It ONLY seems to be an issue withe the checkout link on the Basket page.
Would anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

I have searched around for a solution to this issue we are having with one of the sites we run for a customer, but cant find anything definative yet. I wonder if this rings a bell with anyone.
Actinic Support have looked at this for us, and had a snapshot of the site etc, and basically say they dont know why it is happening, must be something with the server.....
A week ago, all was working fine. (Version 8)
Now :
1. Add a product to the basket.
2. Arrive at /cgi-bin/ca000001.pl
3. Click on Checkout Now and arrive at /cgi-bin/os000001.pl?ACTION=Start&REFPAGE=http with the error
A General Script Error Occurred
Error: The input is NULLPress the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.
However, if I go back - look at another product and click on the Checkout link in the head of the page next to the View Basket link - I get taken to /cgi-bin/os000001.pl?ACTION=Start and the process works just fine.
It ONLY seems to be an issue withe the checkout link on the Basket page.
Would anyone have any idea what could be wrong?
