I'm on a not too brilliant pc and working with a large database so it's taking more than two and a half hours to make a snapshot. That's fine, I can just run it at the end of the day, but a couple of times now I've had an error when copying and pasting a bunch of items near the end of the day, and bam 1 days work is gone.
I know that this sounds really hackish and I'm expecting everyone to say "no way!" but I thought I'd just check: Could I simply copy and paste the actinic database file (where ever it is) and store that in a folder as a quick way to backup the database?
Any related info is very welcome.
I'm on a not too brilliant pc and working with a large database so it's taking more than two and a half hours to make a snapshot. That's fine, I can just run it at the end of the day, but a couple of times now I've had an error when copying and pasting a bunch of items near the end of the day, and bam 1 days work is gone.
I know that this sounds really hackish and I'm expecting everyone to say "no way!" but I thought I'd just check: Could I simply copy and paste the actinic database file (where ever it is) and store that in a folder as a quick way to backup the database?
Any related info is very welcome.