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Downloading Orders Whilst in Test Mode

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    Downloading Orders Whilst in Test Mode

    I think I know the answer to this but want to check....

    Whilst testing changes in test mode can orders still be downloaded from the live site?

    yes! (I do this often!)
    They have different acatalog folders where the order files are stored


      I should have explained in more detail.

      I always use a separate site and upload to test domains to check out changes. But if you can't do this then this is my understanding of what you would have to do:

      With a normal live site, if changes are made and uploaded in test mode to check them out then you can download test orders etc. from the test site only using different script IDs.

      Then if you switch to production mode and wish to make any merchandising changes to the live site you would first have to load a snapshot of the site taken prior going to test mode, make the changes and upload. Then to go back and continue checking out your changes you would have to reload a snapshot taken of the modified site switch to test mode and upload it again.

      The uncertaintly for me was whether after returning from test mode you could download orders (no merchandising) from the live site in production mode without having to upload first and thus save the hassle of creating multiple additional snapshots and swapping sites.


        I don't see why not.
        the download doesn't care what site you're downloading in to as long as the network settings are telling it to look in a specific acatalog folder

        It's not much different to me accidentally downloading orders, from the live site, onto our design (upload only) machine instead of our order processing machine (where the contents of each installation differ greatly but share network settings)

