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Access to Actinic - multi users

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    Access to Actinic - multi users

    I have been using Actinic V 9.05.
    I am a designer hired to take care of an Actinic website, so I am new working with Actinic.
    I could understand that I only can have access to design tab as Administrator.
    However, after installing the upgrade for version 9.05, the only way for other users to access Actinic is as Adminstrator as well, but if there is somebody else connected as Administrator, the others can only access as "content and order processor" privileges.
    Before the upgrade, everything was working well, with only one "Administrator" and the others as regular "users", now everybody has to be "Administrator" in order to have access to Actinic.
    Can someone help me on that? I appreciate it.

    Everyone should be able to log on as a either Order processor or Content processor at any time

    Only one person can be administrator at any time

    I would check the user admin section and check what is ticked there
    Chris Ashdown


      Thank you for your answer Chris
      I will take a look if it works

