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Automatically adding free items to cart

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    Automatically adding free items to cart

    This has been mentioned before on the forums, but there doesn't appear to be an obvious answer. It does appear on the wishlist though, so maybe there is no solution yet.

    I've created a product discount option that is pretty simple - buy [item1], and get 2 additional different items free of charge. I have it set up using product groups (the product you buy is grouped on its own) and discount settings (100% off the two items, both specifically assigned in the product drop down, all triggers etc set correctly).

    In essence, it works. But when clicking add to cart on the main product [item1], instead of adding the items directly to cart (which is surely the sensible approach), the customer is forced to add them manually; this is surely a complete waste of time. On viewing cart, the text "Get a [item 2/3 product name] product free by adding it to the cart" appears with a link to it (as choiced in discounts | misc, i think).

    All I want is the free products [item2] and [item3] to be added automatically to the cart when adding the main item.

    I've tried using components, but this seems to be disconnected from the discounts settings - the items are just added as part of the main product, and so presumably excluded from the discount options.

    Any help on this is appreciated!


    Teclan have an addon that does this.


      Thanks for the suggestion. I've had a browse on teclans site, but can't find that product anywhere. If its me being unobservant, please post a link so I can find it.

      Unless there is a non-plug in involved approach?


        Hi Eddy,
        Drop me a PM and I can give you all the info on the plugin and see if it does indeed deliver the functionality you need.
        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

        SellerDeck Hosting
        SellerDeck Digital Marketing

