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Postcode Field and Postcode Lookup

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    Postcode Field and Postcode Lookup

    Our site is live and has the Postcode Lookup (using Postcode Anywhere) enabled on the invoice and delivery pages (see

    Since the Postcode Lookup is only applicable to UK shoppers, it ought not to be displayed to shoppers who have selected a country outside of the UK.

    Is it possible to stop the Postcode Lookup from being displayed to non-UK shoppers?

    Also, is it possible to make the postcode field mandatory only for certain countries (some countries like Republic of Ireland do not use postcodes).

    Finally, we have the Postcode field positioned nearer the top of the page since we want to encourage (UK) shoppers to use the postcode lookup service to enter their address. However, since this does not apply to non-UK shoppers it would make sense for the postcode field to appear lower down the page in its usual position. Is it possible to have to have the postcode field appear in different positions on the page dependant on the country selected?

    Many thanks

    Nick Cook
    Ecommerce & Online Marketing Consultant

    Postcode Field and Postcode Lookup

    Hi Nick,

    There is currently no setting within the Postcode Anywhere/Actinic integration to only display the ‘Find’ button for specific countries. The service only picks up whether the country is supported when the user actually clicks on the ‘Find’ button by which point obviously is it too late. Ideally you will need to pickup the country selected from the previous page and only display the button if it matches the countries you want to use PCA for. This should not be too difficult to achieve with an if statement.

    It is worth mentioning at this point that we are releasing an update to the PCA address lookup web client in a couple of weeks that will pickup the IP address of the user and based on this will automatically preselect the country. Nick - if you would like to have a test of this new style web client with this additional functionality let me know and we can set you up.


    Tom Gurney
    Integrations Specialist


      Hi Tom
      regarding the auto IP address - does this mean then that when the client 'thinks' the customer is outside of the UK, the Postcode Finder is automatically not displayed?
      Also - does it present an option to change the preselected country - not all sales will be invoiced and delivered to the same country and also the IP address can be misleading for those using a proxy.

      Kind Regards
      Sean Williams

      Calamander Ltd


        Hi Tom

        Thanks for your reply.

        Same as Sean, I'm a little concerned that this solution risks shoppers who are outside of the UK not always seeing the postcode lookup when they are supposed to.

        Is there any assurance that the recognition of the country of origin will always be correct?


        Ecommerce & Online Marketing Consultant


          This concerns me as well - the selection of 'Delivery Country' needs to override the IP address, or be optional in the PCA Control Panel.

          I am thinking that this will not necessarily be a good move. I have customers based abroad who have their orders delivered to UK freight forwarders; what about my drop-shippers - website 'operators' could be anywhere, yet conducting UK business.

          I see the point - good idea - but it needs to be thought through.

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          Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


            I also have concerns about this.

            For it to work properly the user will have to be able to over-ride the automatic country selection. Other wise there'll be all kinds of problems with people buying while away on holiday, business, etc for delivery when they return. Not to mention people buying gifts etc from another country.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Apologies guys I didn’t make it clear in the original post this is a completely new service rather than an update to the existing one. Your current integration will continue running and remain unchanged.

              We understand that some shoppers may want to deliver to different locations and therefore on our interface, the country selection is overridable through a simple drop down list; I am sure we can help make this the case in Actinic if required.

              The only difference with this new service compared to the one you are using is that based on the IP address of the customer their country is initially selected from the drop down. The address lookup will always be displayed no matter what country the user is viewing the page from this will not change at all. Of cause there is nothing stopping you coding it up to display for only certain countries from your end though.


