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Help with embedding video...

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    Help with embedding video...

    Hello there,

    And before you ask, yes i have read the other posts, and done what was said.

    Being pretty new to actinic and HTML, i have found myself in a bit of a pickle,
    i used the embed code, to embed a .wmv, and put the code into the fragment image spot, as i wanted it on the home page as an introductory video. But what has happened is the video has copied its self into all the fragment image spots, and now i only have a video in 3 fragment spaces, instead of text/images that where previously there. I only wanted the video in one spot! So now im in a little trouble.

    Any help would be appreciated, as im very much a novice, please be gentle :/

    Lots and lots of thanks for any feedback given.

    'Cheers Ears'


    Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop

    Rather than place the code in a fragment image layout you could use a text only fragment layout and place the code directly into the fragment text in the form:
    video code here...


      Ahh yes, that has worked, but now i cant seem to put the FragmentImage tag in the correct place? It keeps coming up with the purple tag, which im presuming is the anchor tag, but when entered, it comes up as a coding error, and the images don't seem to appear?

      Thanks for the quick response Duncan.
      'Cheers Ears'


      Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


        Do you mean you havent been able to undo the changes you incorrectly made to the fragment layout? if so revert the layout to factory default.



          All sorted now. Thanks so much for the help!

          'Cheers Ears'


          Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


            Ok, so maybe not sorted, the video plays in the program, but not when its published, or in preview..any ideas?

            'Cheers Ears'


            Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


              I put the file in the site1 folder, now being new to actinic, i wouldnt know where im sarting, so would I go up and out of that folder, or go further in to find the file? ../site1/dynaslide.wmv etc. .

              Many thanks
              'Cheers Ears'


              Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


                put the wmv file in additional files to force it to be uploaded to the live site, update the site

                then give us a URL to your site


         - thats the link.

                  I put it in additional files, and used the code, but it only seemed to give a link saying

                  <OBJECT ID="MediaPlayer" WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="400" CLASSID="CLSID:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"
                  STANDBY="Loading Windows Media Player components..." TYPE="application/x-oleobject">
                  <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="dynaslide.wmv">
                  <PARAM name="autostart" VALUE="true">
                  <PARAM name="ShowControls" VALUE="true">
                  <param name="ShowStatusBar" value="false">
                  <PARAM name="ShowDisplay" VALUE="false">
                  <EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" SRC="dynaslide.wmv" NAME="MediaPlayer"
                  WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="400" ShowControls="1" ShowStatusBar="0" ShowDisplay="0" autostart="0"> </EMBED>

                  thats the code im currently using to embed the video, writen in the text box of a fragment.

                  Thanks once again.
                  'Cheers Ears'


                  Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


                    I just put the code there, and it seems to work for a split second, then disappears!!


                    thats now it has all be updated

                    Thanksyou so much for the help so far
                    'Cheers Ears'


                    Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


                      I tried it on explorer and that seems to work, just firefox?
                      any ideas?
                      'Cheers Ears'


                      Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


                        Why would you use a .wmv, gotta be a better idea to convert to a universal format such as youtube, which billions know, understand and trust. Comes with a bonus of them providing code that works, all you have to do is embed it correctly.

                        .WMVs are satan's stray sperm, use a johnny, go youtube instead.


                          Ok, well it seems to be working, but now when the user clicks 'home' or 'terms & conds' it says url not found. .

                          This is all turning out to be a bit of a nightmare!!

                          Thanks for the help . . any more would be more than appreciated.
                          'Cheers Ears'


                          Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


                            I can't even find where it is now!

                            I've looked all over and cant seem to locate it. Sorry im pretty useless with this. :/
                            'Cheers Ears'


                            Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop


                              Ok, well what ive done is remove some of the parts that are not working. It seems to be ok for now, but the Terms and Conds keeps linking back to the home page?
                              'Cheers Ears'


                              Dynabrade Tools and Accessories For The UK - DynaShop

