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Width of Product list

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    Width of Product list

    Sorry if posted a million times before and yes, I have spent 3hours trawling the forum and yes I am going to cry soon as I can't find the answer!

    I simply want to increase the width of the "product list" column slightly, as I have products that are 6 words long and so the text wraps round which I don't really want

    Example product:

    I am selling Actinic

    Where as I want it like this:

    I am selling Actinic software

    I can widen the product pages but it's the blooming "product list" on the left side I can't sort out

    Many thanks if you can help me in the right direction

    hello, this one, the column on the left side with the items all listed



      true, and you make a good point,

      5 words I can cut it down to, it's almost like I'm trying to do a sub section of existing sections but as a new list product item - if you get my meaning

      I don't want to add extra items as sub sections, hence me trying to make them as new listed items and the reason for wanting to try and slightly widen the listing wthout taking up the entire page as you had said


        I think you might want to consider changing the structure of your catalog. For example you could have a section for Audio Door Entry then under it have child sections for Aluminum and Vandal Resistant.

        You could then have an expanding navigation on the left side if you wanted.


          that sounds good Duncan, point me in the direction of what I need do and I'll give it a try, that is perhaps the sort of thing I'd like but as you can see, I'm no expert but also not stupid in that I need ask for help all the time in doing it - assuming that all makes sense

          thank you for you reply - I like the idea :0)


            The first thing to do is look at your sections and create the parent sections, then move the existing sections into them and rename then accordingly.


              like this do you mean? - I have a sub section of items within ths page


              If so, then that isn't what I really want

              I want everything visual from the main page, you see, I have many customers who simply can't find what they are looking for, perhaps they are a bit on the slow side??

              But I think it's pretty easy to navigate, maybe I'm wrong but if things are hidden then it defeats the object - IMHO


                Simply addressing your main point - I can't see why customers can't find things as it seems pretty easy to me.
                You could reduce the left margin on those menu items. It wouldn't make much difference to the word count per line but it would look less cramped.
                The main thing is you aren't using single product per page - this generally gives you better search engine results
                Kind Regards
                Sean Williams

                Calamander Ltd

