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customised buttons keep resetting .. ?

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    customised buttons keep resetting .. ?

    I have popped a simple actinic v9 site up here :

    site is working nicely and the client is happy with it and the actinic payment system. There are one or two odd things which are happening however .. wonder if anyone can point me on the right road?

    I created a couple of customised buttons for the site .. the add to cart button and the more info button use imagery similar to the clients logo. problem is whenever we refresh the site (that is to say if I or the client modify anything and upload the site fresh), actinic forgets to use these buttons and reverts to using the original template buttons. I've tried deleting those original buttons and renaming the customised ones the same .. I've also tried telling actinic to use the customised buttons by name. If I do either, it works .. until the site is refreshed and the deleted buttons mysteriously reappear (!) It's all very odd.

    It's workaroundable (i.e. going through the process every b****y time!) but it's a bit of a pain - anyone come across this before?

    I'll put the other issue on as a separate thread.

    any help much appreciated.

    Try saving under your own custom name.


      thanks (again!) . I'll give that a go.

