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price show only when it added to the cart

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    price show only when it added to the cart

    Iis there a way I can setup some items so the price show when it's added to the cart.

    If someone can explain in details how I can do this I would really appreciate it.


    You can edit the product layout(s) and remove the price variable.


      Yes, I know that, but what I don't know is when I am importing the items in actinic flat. what is the name for the filed "product layout"

      I have look but I can't find it in the import map...


        I think you may only be able to import this with an hierarchical file. Hierarchical files are not difficult once you get your head around them.


          I don't undersatnd hierarchical file at all. Can I use the ActinicCatalog acess file to make the changes. If yes where is it and what filed?


            it is better to do this by editing the product layout as duncan says, as all you need to do is comment out the price variable.

            editting product layout via the database is not recommended.


              If you can't get the hierarchical, my advice would be to never enter into the site database directly, that is a distaster in the making. You can update a price via the prod ref in a flat file import, try that instead.


                I read the original request as dont show the price in the product layout, but show it in the basket/checkout - thus you wouldnt want to use flat file/hierarcical file or DB to edit the price as this would remove it completely.


                  Yeah he mentions importing though. He just has his thinking a bit arse upwards i think. Each product needs a price, whether it shows or not and also so it can show in the cart. If you don't want to show it in the product layout, then adjust the product layout as you say. One single adjustment to the product layout is all that is seemingly needed.

                  On the surface, sounds like a new world record will be set for abandoned cart rates though, it'll be a first i've seen where you go to the cart to find out how much a product costs.


                    Few manufacturer we carry do not allow anyone to post prices for some of their items. They have told us the only way to sell those items online is not having price on the product page.

                    As I said I know how to create a new product layout with no prices, but how can I tell actinic which product layout to use for the product I want to remove the prices.

                    I need to do this in bulk as there are more than 5000 products and I can change each one manually.


                      An hierarchical import is the way to go. It's really not difficult. Export the catalog and ten filter by product and you will see what's going on. You only need a header for each line type required and also only the fields that need updating as well as the product reference.

