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Delete from Also Bought = Actinic Crash

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    Delete from Also Bought = Actinic Crash

    A customer of mine has a problem with actinic.

    When he adds new products or copy a product it crashes with this message:

    There was a problem with the database

    Operation: Executing the query 'DELETE * FROM [AlsoBought] WHERE [sProductRef] = '1ST-HS2''

    Database name: C:\Users\Adrian\Documents\Actinic v9\Sites\Site1\ActinicCatalog

    The search key was not found in any record.

    Action: Contact your Actinic reseller or Actinic Support as appropriate

    Has anyone else had this issue??
    Paul Daly
    web design | graphic design | illustration

    Have you compacted the database



      I also opened the database and this is what I can see...

      the database grinds to a halt with this table opened and I get 'Not a valid bookmark' error dialog popping up a dozen times in MS Access.

      I might be able to delete the 'also bought' table and paste in one from yesterday, but there still is an underlying issue here.
      Paul Daly
      web design | graphic design | illustration


        The fix...

        Delete the also bought table
        past the table back in from yesterday's backup

        I can now open Actinic.

        ...but If anyone knows of the cause of the issue. That would help.!

        I have spoken to the customer and he says that he only changed a product ref on 2 products this morning and then compacted the databse 5 mins later - it seems this is the cause, but he's not happy as Actinic should be able to cope with product reference number changes...!
        Paul Daly
        web design | graphic design | illustration

