I'm about to start messing around with components and have seen reference to article:
Supplying Additional Items With A Product
but have googled it to no avail. I don't have my actinic laptop to hand, so can't search the help there.
It's not in either of the V9 basic or advanced user guides from the download centre.
Basically, I want to add "add ons" to my products which are items also held in the store that can be bought separately. It needs to control stock levels, if possible.
What I don't want to do is have to add these additional items to each product. I want to be able to reference existing products already in the shop.
So, I have a embroidery pattern that uses 5 threads. All 6 products are currently products in the shop. I want to reference the 5 threads, individually with check boxes, as add-ons to the pattern product, so they can choose which they want and add them to the cart as well. I do NOT want to have to add the threads as stand alone options because popular colours are requirements for hundreds of patterns.
Can it be done? And, if so, could you point me at the documentation for it?
Ta muchly, gurus!
p.s: you guys rock so much that I've included virtual hugs for you on my blog:
It's near the bottom, but you're there
Supplying Additional Items With A Product
but have googled it to no avail. I don't have my actinic laptop to hand, so can't search the help there.
It's not in either of the V9 basic or advanced user guides from the download centre.
Basically, I want to add "add ons" to my products which are items also held in the store that can be bought separately. It needs to control stock levels, if possible.
What I don't want to do is have to add these additional items to each product. I want to be able to reference existing products already in the shop.
So, I have a embroidery pattern that uses 5 threads. All 6 products are currently products in the shop. I want to reference the 5 threads, individually with check boxes, as add-ons to the pattern product, so they can choose which they want and add them to the cart as well. I do NOT want to have to add the threads as stand alone options because popular colours are requirements for hundreds of patterns.
Can it be done? And, if so, could you point me at the documentation for it?
Ta muchly, gurus!
p.s: you guys rock so much that I've included virtual hugs for you on my blog:
It's near the bottom, but you're there