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V9 problem - pictures not loading

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    V9 problem - pictures not loading

    On trying to publish to the site I get dozens of messages like this:

    A page named 'C:\Documents and Settings\owner\My Documents\Actinic v9\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\' has already been generated for the extended info page '2!1137'. The same page name is used for the extended info page '1!3631' and therefore the previously created page will be over written.

    Do you wish to continue the upload?

    For better or worse we did continue and now most of the pictures on the site will not appear. The links are there and the extended information pictures will appear. WE are in deep trouble - can anybody help, please?

    Originally posted by weybarkers View Post
    A page named 'C:\Documents and Settings\owner\My Documents\Actinic v9\Sites\Site1\SiteHTML\' has already been generated for the extended info page '2!1137'.

    The same page name is used for the extended info page '1!3631'
    '2!1137' means second duplicate of your product code 1137 and this is caused by copying and pasting complete products. Go to Product 1137 and check what it says for the file name in the Extended Information Tab. Then go to Product 3631 and check that.
    Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

    Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


      V9 losing pictures

      Many thanks Pfb5 for your reply. I am afraid I don't know how to find Product numbers. I guess there must be a really simple answer to that?

      Best wishes


        You may be using Actinic generated references, I haven't ever used that.

        Hover your mouse over the Content Tree, Right-Click, Select 'Find' and type in the four digit number 3631 (not including 1! or 2!) then [OK].

        When the product appears, you will see the your name of the Product at the top followed by the number (3631). Click 'Extended Information'. In the panel that opens, you should see 'Pop Up Page; Page Name' and a panel, which should say:

        This number SHOULD be the same as the number in (brackets) at the top of Product Details. I think that you will find that you have duplications - work out which one is incorrect and change the number in Page Name, to be the same as the top number.
        Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

        Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


          Hello Paul,

          Many thanks for your help with this. We have found the product numbers - it was of course simple once we tried properly to look and the numbers are now displayed on the content tree.

          However the problem is really huge. Over 31,00 coding errorrs, and growing!

          In addition there are 40 error messages similar to the one in my original thread. What's more. they are sequential. 1!1550 used for 3!669, then 3!669 used for 1!669, then 1!669 used for 4!943 and so on.

          This is only the start of the problem. The PC is plagued by "Not responding" and we cannot take a snapshot of the existing catalogue or even load an earlkier snapshot. We have downloaded Actinic onto two other PCs but each of them will not respond to any snapshot. I have tried Uniblue Registry repair software but no improvement.

          Our Catalgue is now just over 1GB and I wonder if Actinic cannot cope with this size.?

          Best wishes



            Can you compact the database?

            You need to sort out the database issues. First place to start would be to correct the coding issues and the duplicated pages names. How have you been loading products - manually or bulk importing? You can correct the info page names with an import update.

            The Actinic database can in theory go to 2Gb (MS Access restrictions) but the more sections/products/custom variables you have all have an impact on performance and memory requirements. How many sections and products do you have? Do you have a lot of section and product scoped custom variables?


              Hello Duncan,

              We have reinstalled Actinic on the PC that first gave problems, so we have now lost the catalogue that contained the 40 odd error messages, as we were unable to save a snapshot. That problem is now perhaps academic, but it would be nice to know what caused it. I have tried to load several older snapshots onto the new installation but get "not responding".

              We have loaded up this older snapshot onto another pc, and tried to compact the database but got an error message saying the compaction had failed. We then published this version to the site and fortunately it worked and we have a working site, albeit we have lost 5 days record of orders. We can download orders from the site and will be trying to publish again later today. We cannot however take a snapshot - Not responding at every attempt

              We also installed Actinic onto a laptop for the first time yesterday and tried to upload the working snapshot, but got "not responding" on that too. This does seem to be a propblem with the software rather than an individual PC problem. These three m/cs are however networked.

              We use Kaspersky Internet Security on all our m/cs and we cannot see any sign of an significant attack. Could the problems have originated from malware?

              Best wishes



                I have passed the problems to Actinic Support now. Many thanks for the help so far



                  Clearly more serious than your first post suggested to me.

                  As for the rest:

                  Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, welcome to the club.

                  One problem, learnt to great cost, is that when you start to restore backups, reload the program, switch to another PC etc., it is all too easy make things worse.

                  "When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging".


         - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

                  Rainbow Florist Supplies - trade & retail, floristry & wedding reception supplies
                  Silk Floral Shop
         - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

                  Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.

