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    Products Per Page

    Hi there

    I am new to Actinic and also this forum I have looked in the knowledgebase and cannot seem to find a direct and simple answer to my problem

    This is my first time using this software and so far find it a nightmare compared to other ecommerce software. Why do I say this well seems that this so called great software is not all that great at certain things.

    So here is my question how do I tell the software to show six products per page when the customer clicks on a certain category so if I go into fancy dress then females fancy dress I only want so show six products per column (which means a list of six products) and then they click on NEXT to go to the next 6 products in that category. I am using V9

    Thank you in advance for any help given

    I would agree - this "so called great software" is not great at certain things and splitting a section up as you describe is one of them.

    There is a manual process for doing it which you can find on page 36 of the Version 9 Advanced Users Guide in a section called "Splitting a Section into Multiple Pages: Creating Links to 'Previous' and 'Next' Sections" - you can download a copy from
    Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
    SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
    Based in rural Northants


      Teclan has a plug-in for this too: called 'Page Index'.


        Products per page

        So let me get this right one of the most expensive ecommerce packages you can buy does not have a simple things such as products per page and you have to either sectionize it or buy a £50.00 plug-in. Shame on you Actinic Shame on you.

        If I had of known in the first place how difficult it is to delete products (I have been reading threads about this on this forum) and show products per page then I would NEVER have purchased it. There is cheaper ecommerce software out there that does things easier than this software. Of course on the Actinic website it NEVER mentions that you may have to buy plug-in's or how difficult it may be to delete products. Actinic make it all sound so easy which is just laughable.

        Thank you to you guys for your help with the products per page issue. I think I may need to use this forum more often as it seems NOTHING is simple with Actinic



          i would never HAVE purchased it

          "if i had of known"


            Products Per Page

            Hi Super cat

            Thanks for the grammar lesson sorry my education level is lower than yours LOL




              no problems mate, i was just being lighthearted..., i know how diificult Actinic can be.
              i think we all shared your frustrations at some point.


                Hi Philip

                there is a 30 day free trial version of the software available directly from Actinic. But, as they're selling V10 and you're using V9 then you either didn't get it from them or bought it a while ago and are only just starting to use it.

                Actinic is a very good piece of software but it does have its drawbacks which have all been publicly aired on this forum in the past. No company in its right mind would publicly advertise the drawbacks of its products on their own website

                Can you explain what your problem is with deleting products? And which threads are you refering to? It's not a problem that I'm familiar with.

                You're not the first person to have suffered from the "I've just bought Actinic and it's difficult to use and doesn't do the basics" syndrome. But persevere and accept the limitations - it will be worth it. There is plenty of help available (voluntarily) on the forum and there are various tutorials available on some of the web developers own websites (leehack springs to mind and teclan probably as well). There aren't many pieces of ecommerce software that you can use out of the box with one of the built in templates and also give it to a developer to make it sing and dance but Actinic is one of them. And the order processing side is amongst the best in its price range.

                We're here to help and happy to do so but go easy on the slagging off of Actinic - it's a quick route to get yourself on the "ignore" list of many helpful bods on the forum.
                Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                Based in rural Northants


                  Products per page

                  Hi there

                  I am not sure which thread it was in that I read about deleting products but if I find it again I will post it for you.

                  You are right I am new to this software and I have used other ecommerce software before that had a lot of tings built in that Actinic does not. I know that all software has a learning curve just this seems to have a few more than other software I have used. Given time like anything else I am sure I will get my head around it.

                  My client asked me to use this software hence why it was purchased and it was done a while ago, it was one of those clients who was all eager to do things at the start then his life got busy so I left his site until he wanted to move forward with it again. Then I get the "call can we start on the site again" so now that I am at the stage of adding products I just found that side of things very frustrating (as in the software did not say how many products would you like to display per page) as I have obviously given my client a price for the job and did not think to include in that price extras for plug-ins that may be required to make the software work as most people are used to seeing. I am sure we all know how extra paid for plug-ins then eats into your profit. It's hard enough at present trying to survive in the business world.

                  Anyway it's one post in which I asked a question got an answer, had a grumble and now just have to get on with it,but the replies I have had so far have been good and that's great and says a lot for this community.



                    Originally posted by bojangles View Post
                    Hi there

                    it was one of those clients who was all eager to do things at the start then his life got busy so I left his site until he wanted to move forward with it again. Then I get the "call can we start on the site again"
                    We all have them!

                    If your client specified the use of Actinic then I think that it is perfectly reasonable to go back to him/her and explain the limitation and the workaround (i.e. the plugin) and expect them to pay for the plugin over and above the original price you quoted.

                    Anyway, welcome to the world of Actinic. You never know - you may even come to like it!!
                    Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                    SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                    Based in rural Northants


                      Products per page

                      I seen this site and I can see they have 16 products per page and then you can see at the top where it says Next so my question is how do I do that? My layout is more Columns than rows


                        That site is no longer on Actinic but another e-commerce package.

                        The "easiest" solution is to grab the Teclan plug-in. You can get tricky with SectionLists and Block ifs but this does require a deep understanding of Actinic.

                        Pete's main site which is Actinic v9 has a filtered approach for his fancy dress costumes - the mens costumes for example allows additional filtering but could be used as a "paged" listing to only display say the first 16 products.

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          Products per page

                          Hi there

                          Not sure it warrants the £80 price tag that's £50 for the plug-in and £30 for the install and then the vat that's a heavy price to pay for a next button don't you think? Unless I can get some experienced kind person in here to install it for me that would help LOL.

                          Please remember I am not a programmer or anything like that I am more of a project manager I help people bring their websites together but have decided to try and work on this one for experience. As I said I have used other ecommerce software before but I did not install it all I done was add the products and sort out some of the functionality


                            What exactly are you expecting anyone to say/do?

                            It's not standard functionality in Actinic. You've established that.
                            There's a plug-in that can do it. You now know that.
                            The plug-in costs what it costs. Nothing you can do about that.
                            You could code it yourself, if you have sufficient knowledge of Actinic?

                            No one is going to come along and wave a magic wand or do it for you for free.
                            I'm not entirely sure what kind of solution you're expecting now


                              products per page

                              Hi TraceyHand

                              I was hoping for a little community spirit you know people helping people but from the tone of your post seems I may be wrong.

