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Setting up options for hidden product options

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    Setting up options for hidden product options

    Hi all, I need some help adding an option item. I have tried but am struggling so any help is much appreciated:

    I have a product (Distance Learning) with hiden products & permutations depending which paper they choose (F1 F2 F3 etc):

    Actinic Screendump:

    Now I want to offer an option that lets the students ADD an ebook to their order depending on the paper they have chosen from the drop down list.
    I already have a seperate product for the ebboks (at the top of the screendump)

    so if they order a F2 Distance Learning - they can optionally add the same F2 ebook for an additional cost.

    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks Jay

    That option will need to be included in the drop down list, so you're offering the product with or without the option OR if the extra is a set price, you could add an optional component, where they tick to say they do want the extra product.


      Thanks Lee,

      I just want a kind of tickbox where they can add the ebook if they require it.
      Is it possible to automaticall link the correct ebook to the productthey are ordering automatically?

      If I choose F1 DL from dropdown box, and the tick a check box that I also require a ebook,
      Can the F1 ebook be automatically be added (and not another ebook)



        You won't get that link no, im afraid not. You could create a hidden product for with and a hidden product for without and then have those choices in the list, only way you will do that imo.


          Originally posted by leehack View Post
          That option will need to be included in the drop down list, so you're offering the product with or without the option OR if the extra is a set price, you could add an optional component, where they tick to say they do want the extra product.
          thanks lee I have decided to go the route of adding an additional generic component called ebooks that would be an additional fixed price.

          But this option is adding an 'Add selected to Cart' button option next to that choice and I really just wnat them to tick/no tick so when they buy the main product it just adds / or not adds the additional cost.


            I'd need to see a screenshot of what you have setup, sounds weird on the surface, should just give you a tickbox, check your component layout possibly?





                You must have some sort of grid layout selected for the component perhaps, can you confirm what layouts you have set on the component?


                  The component has layout: Use Parent = Standard Component Layout


                    Hmmm I'm a little perplexed then, try a different product layout to see if the same on that. If it is I fear some changes have been made to the standard layouts, probably best revert them back to factory settings (right click on them) in the design library.


                      Thanks Lee, yes I did make a minor changes to make this list look ok:

                      Now I'm frightened to make any changes/reverts incase I lose the changes I made.

                      I also have a licence to upgrade to v10 and a little sceptical in doing so in case I lose all my changes. Do you think I should just go for it and upgrade and will that make things any easier for me?

                      I have designed the site so far with my limited knowledge by swotting up every time I want to do something to it but now fear it has got to stage where it needs professional attention. Are there any good Actinic specialists that can take this to the next level?

                      Many thanks for the help


                        You can test your upgrade before going live on the same PC without affecting your v9 installation. Just install v10 separately and don't elect to upgrade at the time of installation, then import your v9 snapshot, switch to Test Mode and upload.


                          Thanks will try that.

                          Lee thanks to you I finally managed to add that option and now seems to work. I'm well pleased with myself

                          Help was much appreciated.


                            Well done mate, good persistance. What was it in the end?


                              Just messed around with the different layout options and in the end had to choose "Component layout with selectable permutations" for that particular component. That worked so am sticking with that. Then just moved that component above the other one so came on top.

