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shipment date

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    shipment date


    im tring to set it up so our customers can say when they want the goods but cant see how to do it.
    sorry if that has been on before but i cant see it any where


    Welcome Callum.

    Product Details / Prompts / Date Info Question.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      thanks is there any way i can do this for the whole site at once insted of putting it in for each product? or can i change the defalt so i dont have to update each product each year?


        There's nothing built-in (people might want different products delivered at different times, or some products not to have dates - hence the per product functionality).

        You could always add a question to the Checkout. There are several spare prompts available there. See the Help / Changing Checkout Questions / General Information. However, it's not a yy/mm/dd type prompt, just a text one, so the customer would have to type in a sensible date.

        There will undoubtedly be posts on this forum about changing one of these prompts to use a date picker but it will take some searching to find.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          You may be able to create 2 product layouts, one with it showing and one without, have the with one as the standard and you can then select the without one wherever applicable. I think it is only blockifs that decide whether this shows on page or not, so on the with layout you could just remove the blockif so it was always on screen, only other thing you should need to do is replace the OtherInfoPrompt with the specifc text (within the layout) instead so it was hard coded and did not require the input of that message on each product.


            Unfortunately, if the Other Info Prompt isn't defined for a product, the info input won't appear on the Cart, Checkout or Customer Email which may be confusing.

            I've had a quick look at the Perl and it will turn up in the downloaded Order but the limitations above may make it impractical.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              thanks is their any way of changing the defult dates froom 2000 and 2010 to something useable


                Found in business settings from memory.


                  I think the date prompt is one of the fields you can use in an import so you may be able to set all of them in one go that way.
                  Export your products using the google feed.
                  Strip out unwanted columns in excel and add the date prompt.
                  Import back into Actinic as an update.

                  Haven't tried it myself so back up first.
                  Unusual Silver Jewellery
                  Giftmill - Unusual Gifts
                  Crystal Healing Jewellery
                  Steampunk Jewellery

