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500 Internal Server Errror caused by RMS (Real Media Streaming)?

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    I'd get the original copied over to replace the corrupt and suspect something untoward has happened on your system, give it a thorough cleanout and change all passwords on all accounts as a precaution.


      I have checked the files for two of my other websites (which are both active and happily hosted) but none of them contain the line 'require rms01;'. Only this one site (which is the first of three that I am attempting to move to a new server). I have no idea how that line has come to be part of the file, it was working perfectly fine on the old server!


        Either you put it there or possibly you've been hacked.

        Restore from the Original copy and re-upload.

        Then check your system thoroughly.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thank you both ...... I have now taken a copy of the original '' from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Actinic v9\Original" (I'm on Windows 7) and pasted it into the copy in my site folder within "My Documents\Actinic v9\Sites" but it's still not working correctly!

          I double-checked the copy in my /Sites folder before uploading - the 'require rms01;' line was definitely gone - and so I uploaded my website.

          When you both say clean my system, sorry for being dumb but do you mean on my PC or on the server?


            I have just checked on the server and '' in the cgi-bin folder still has the 'require rms01;' line. I thought this would be corrected when I re-uploaded the site? Or would I have to edit that file manually on the server?


              it's still not working correctly
              We don't know what that means.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Do a full Refresh of the live site.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Originally posted by NormanRouxel View Post
                  We don't know what that means.
                  Sorry. I mean that I am still getting the 500 Internal Server Error originally mentioned in this thread.


                    Originally posted by NormanRouxel View Post
                    Do a full Refresh of the live site.
                    Thank you .... I have just done that but I am still getting the same 500 Internal Server Error upon clicking 'add to basket'.

                    In addition, the '' file in the cgi-bin folder still has the 'require rms01;' line in it.

                    I have, however, just checked '' in "My Documents\Actinic v9\Sites" again, to see whether the 'require rms01;' line had come back, but it hasn't and so presumably that is a good thing?!


                      Originally posted by MrsBee View Post
                      I have just checked on the server and '' in the cgi-bin folder still has the 'require rms01;' line. I thought this would be corrected when I re-uploaded the site? Or would I have to edit that file manually on the server?
                      I just edited '' manually on the server and saved it, however the 500 Internal Server Error message is still occurring, even though my manual edit has stayed updated and the 'require rms01;' line can no longer be seen in that file in the cgi-bin on the server.


                        There is no point editing the Perl on your server. It will get overwritten the next time you Upload from Actinic.

                        Are you sure that you've put in the right place?

                        Must be in the same folder as ActinicCatalog.mdb and must overwrite the old one.

                        Also note that error 500 is a general one. Useless without the detailed error report as per your first post.

                        It is quite possible that other scripts are corrupt.
                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                          Originally posted by NormanRouxel View Post
                          There is no point editing the Perl on your server. It will get overwritten the next time you Upload from Actinic.

                          Are you sure that you've put in the right place?

                          Must be in the same folder as ActinicCatalog.mdb and must overwrite the old one.

                          Also note that error 500 is a general one. Useless without the detailed error report as per your first post.

                          It is quite possible that other scripts are corrupt.
                          To make doubly-sure I did everything properly, I have just opened up the original '' from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Actinic v9\Original" and done a 'Save As' into my site folder ("My Documents\Actinic v9\Sites\Internetiquette") . That folder is definitely the one which contains ActinicCatalog.mdb, and it definitely contains the fresh copy of '' which I just created from the /Original folder.

                          I then did another 'Refresh Website'.

                          One thing has improved ... the '' file in the cgi-bin folder no longer has the 'require rms01;' line in it, and the file is timed at the same time as I refreshed the website (so it is definitely not the old copy which I manually edited).


                            I have just completely removed and re-added the account with the new hosting company, re-uploaded the website but I am still getting the same error outlined in my first post. The '' file in the cgi-bin folder does, however, still not contain the previous 'require rms01;' line and so I suppose that is one improvement.

                            The strange thing is ..... I can change all of the network settings back to where the live website is currently being hosted, upload the website and the error does not occur. The actual live website (CrazyContactLenses) can be viewed at the following URL and the yellow 'add to cart' button works perfectly (it always has done):-


                            Just to clarify, the test website below (Internetiquette) is the one having the problem:-


                            I have published to both websites using the same 'Site' folder on my PC so that all content is completely identical, the only thing being changed is the network setting information, which I alter depending on which site I want to publish to at the time.


                              O.K. We're moving on. You'll need to show us the current error logs like you originally posted.
                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                                Norman ... I recreated the error this morning and support have given me the relevant server log info as below:-

                                Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl . cgi-bin cgi-bin cgi-bin cgi-bin) at line 21., referer:
                                [Sun Jan 30 07:56:18 2011] [error] [client ] Premature end of script headers:, referer:
                                [Sun Jan 30 07:56:18 2011] [error] [client ] File does not exist: /home/internet/public_html/500.shtml, referer:

                                Today's error referred to '' and so I checked that file in my 'Site' folder on my PC and, as mentioned above, it contained 'require rms01;' on line 21.

                                I then checked '' in the cgi-bin and it also contained 'require rms01;' on line 21.

                                I have had a look around my PC and whilst I could not find 'require rms01;' in any '.pm' file, I did find something else. In my 'Site' folder both '' and '' had 'require rms01;' in them - the former on line 35 and the latter on line 55.

                                I then checked both '' and '' in my 'Original' folder and none of them contain that line. So I took copies of both of those and placed them into my 'Site' folder, uploaded the site and oh gosh, the 'add to cart' button is now working!

                                Thank you very much everybody and especially to Norman. I have no idea how that line got into my code - I didn't even know what it meant, it's not something I would have made up and I never really fiddle with my scripts and files anyway!

