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moonfruit & external link to shop

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    moonfruit & external link to shop

    hi, i have a website designed on moonfruit, until 4 weeks ago all my link buttons to the url: which is where my actinic shop is were working. now that external link does not work and when you press any of the link buttons it just loops back to the homepage of . moonfruit say that the external link should be another domain name and actinic cannot help or suggest a solution - they have taken over 4 weeks to get any information to me and have been very unhelpful with the issue so i have lost sales over the past 4 weeks as the shop link does not work and also i cannot administer my actinic shop as i get a cgi error popping up.

    would my solution of having actinic shop on and its DNS pointing to the shop work with my moonfruit external link buttons? and my shop would work again? currently is forwarding to and its DNS points to the DNS as supplied by moonfruit.

    Sorry can't help you directly but why not get some usual hosting and another domain for your Actinic store and then just link to that domain from babyhut.


      You have several problems.

      1) If in Actinic, you delete the home page and any Brochure pages from the Content tree then Actinic will generate a site that lives entirely inside /acatalog on your server. It's not hard to get Actinic to make the home page link direct to your Moonfruit home page - e.g. to You now have a nice physical separation of the Moonfruit pages and the Actinic ones on your server.

      2) You've chosen to use a foreign (to us Actinic specialists) bit of software to manage the home page of your site. If that software is incapable of creating a Shop Here link to then I'm astonished.

      3) If you wish to persist with Moonfruit then you have to fix the problem mentioned above in Moonfruit. Best ask their support forum not on here.

      4) If I try to go to, I get automatically redirected to You need to fix this before anyone here can look at your Actinic bit of the site and help with the cgi errors you mention.

      5) On your home page the text link "Online Shop" is Flash. Google probably won't be able to follow this so the world in general may never know that you have an online shop.
      Looking at the source I see what appear to be text links to acatalog but can't find them on the page. In fact the whole front page seems to be Flash controlled. Goodbye any iPad or iPhone customers then.

      Alternatively - If you want an easy life, a home page and a shop that look similar and actually want customers to find you online and buy things it may be worth seriously considering dumping Moonfruit and getting Actinic to manage the home page, brochure pages and shop.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

