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Actinic logs me out when I navigate away from the checkout

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    Actinic logs me out when I navigate away from the checkout

    Hope someone can help with this. I have made some changes to my live site and am now having a few problems when logged in and with the SSL cert on https: pages (the two may or may not be related).

    The problems I am having are:

    When logged in, if I add something to the cart and go to “Checkout” but then, instead of continuing through the checkout I select a menu option to continue shopping, Actinic thinks I have logged out. If I then select "My Order" or “Checkout” again It seems I am logged in again. If I select "continue" from the "My Order" screen or “Cancel” from within the checkout I get a “Not Found” error.

    Chrome and Firefox are complaining about insecure content (IE and Safari don’t seem to mind!).

    Recent changes I have made:
    I have installing Mega Menu (a great add-on from Drillpine which is working brilliantly), I have also moved “Home | About Us” etc to the top right of the page (to make room for Mega menu) and switched Lightbox to Slimbox2 (to avoid a js library conflict).

    Test here

    Username: actinictest
    Password: test

    (no prices but you can still add to cart)

    Thanks for any help.


    I seem to have fixed the insecure content issue by removing removing preloadImages. This was loading some images that did not exist.

    Over the weekend we have had lots of failed orders, the only successful orders have come through as "phone with card details". Checking this out I find that the checkout is not proceeding to the payment page (Sagepay). It is just sitting at the "You will now be automatically transferred to...." page. So customers can't pay for their order!

    I still have the problem when logged in customers navigating away from the checkout, to add more items for example, the site logs them out - clicking on checkout again seems to log you back in.

    Any help would be great.



      1. Put back your OnLoad stuff. This is needed for the PSP bounce.

      2. Which images are unsecure? This isn't normally a preload problem.

      3. To stay logged in I believe you have to follow cgi-bin links. Does the mega menu do this or is it sending you directly to the web page?


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Thanks Mike, I have put back the onload line and the checkout now proceeds to the PSP pages. Most of the images loaded by the preloadimage command are not actually used by the site, and Chrome Developer Tools was complaining about them. Removing this line seemed to stop the insecure content problem. Though, strangely, putting it back hasn't caused the problem to return.

        If I click on login, but don't actually login, this changes to https and the links from mega menus and the side menu are through the cgi-bin. If I do login and go to the checkout, again this changes to https but this time the links are not through the cgi-bin. Also, I have just found that if I click on checkout with nothing in the cart and wait for the site to bounce back to the original page I get the following error message:

        Not Found
        The requested URL /cgi-bin/ was not found on this server.


          Possible Network Settings problem. Export them to a textfile (Web / Network Setup / Export), obscure any usernames and passwords and post it here.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Here they are Norman:

            HTTPPROXYMODE 0
            HTTPPROXYPORT 80
            FTPPROXYMODE 0
            FTPPROXYPORT 21
            SCRIPTID 1
            SCRIPTEXT .pl
            SMTPHOST localhost
            USERELATIVECGIURLS false
            PATHTOPERL /usr/bin/perl
            USEENHANCEFTP true
            FTPCLIENTTIMEOUT 15000
            FTPRETRYDELAY 3000
            FTPSILENT false
            FTPMAXRETRIES 3
            FTPCONNECTTIMEOUT 25000
            SMTPAUTHREQUIRED false
            COMPRESSEDUPLOAD false
            SSLPATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../public_html/supplies/
            SSLCODEBASE ./
            SSLFTPUSERNAME xxxxxxxxx
            SSLFTPPASSWORD xxxxxxxxx
            SSLPATHTOCGIBIN cgi-bin/
            SSLUSEPASSIVEFTP true
            ONLINESTOREFOLDERNAME supplies
            PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../public_html/supplies/
            CODEBASE ./
            FTPUSERNAME xxxxxxxxx
            FTPPASSWORD xxxxxxxxx
            PATHTOCGIBIN cgi-bin/
            USEPASSIVEFTP true



              The Network Settings above have seem to be working ok and I haven't changed anything in a long time. anyone see anything?



                I think this might be wrong:

                PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../public_html/supplies/

                Try changing to ../supplies/ instead

                The reason is that this doesn't work:


                but this does:


                You'll need to change in both the standard and SSl settings.


                EDIT: Interesting. Even the hover over the links shows the problem with the settings. hard to see what I've actually typed though.

                The bad link looks like this with tt for the xx


                the good one


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  Thanks for your reply Mike.

                  I have just tried what you suggest but I got an error message when trying to login to the site and also the https was invalid (crossed through and in red in the address bar). Error massage was:

                  Error opening the index "../supplies/oldbuyer.fil". No such file or directory...

                  I have put the settings back as before. I can now login but I am still getting the red cross in the address bar and I still get logged out when navigating away from the checkout.

                  I thought this path in the network setting was the physical address on the server and not necessarily the same as the browser sees.

                  Any other thoughts?


                    Are the cgi-bin and supplies directories both in the public_html directory?

                    ../ means up one level and enter the following directory. So from the cgi-bin I would expect you go up one level, then enter the supplies directory.

                    To sort this out you need to make sure the settings are right. I would turn off ssl. get everything working properly and then turn ssl on again. Also do a full refresh after each change and delete the actinic cookie on your pc as this may be remembering old settings.


                    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                      The cgi-bin is at the same level as the public_html directory. So I have:
                      so ../public_html/supplies would seem correct to go from the cgi-bin to the store folder.

                      Should the cgi-bin be in the public_html folder?

                      The files in the /cgi-bin have today's date so I guess the site is using that folder ok but, I don't think folders outside of the public_html folder are accessible via a browser - could this be the problem?



                        I would normally expect the cgi-bin to be in the same directory as the acatalog (or supplies in your case) directory. It is on the servers I use.

                        Some hosts do set things up differently. Actinic can work for either as long as the network settings are correct.

                        AFAIK this setting should as viewed by the browser. I think the other one, for FTP, is the one that actinic uses for transferring files into the right place.

                        Given what you say, I suspect the correct settings are:

                        PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../supplies/
                        FTPPATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../public_html/supplies/


                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                          still having problems...

                          Thanks for the help Mike. I have tried changing ../public_html/supplies/ to ../supplies/ but now I have two store folders. One at the same level as public_html and one in the public_html folder - and I can no longer login.

                          Then I have tried ../supplies/ in the Server Details and ../public_html/supplies/ in the FTP Details (in the bit that says leave blank unless advised). The refresh uploaded to the correct place (../public_html/supplies/) but I still cant log in - fails saying:
                          Error opening the index "../supplies/oldbuyer.fil". No such file or directory. The web site is probably being updated. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact us.

                          I have put the settings back to the original state so that customers can log in and complete their purchases and I have switched off SSL. I still get logged out when I navigate away from the checkout.

                          The only way I can get back to the products and remain logged in is by following a description link in the My Order page.

                          I have been using Refresh Website and deleting the actinic cookies after each change.


                            Going through everything 1 by 1.

                            I have tried changing ../public_html/supplies/ to ../supplies/ but now I have two store folders. One at the same level as public_html and one in the public_html folder - and I can no longer login.
                            OK. This is what I'd expect as when the other settings is blank Actinic uses this one to decide where the store folder should be and so puts it in the wrong place. This is why we need to set the other setting.

                            Then I have tried ../supplies/ in the Server Details and ../public_html/supplies/ in the FTP Details (in the bit that says leave blank unless advised). The refresh uploaded to the correct place (../public_html/supplies/) but I still cant log in - fails saying...
                            This should be correct but you're now getting the error message "oldbuyer.fil". No such file or directory error.

                            This error is usually down to permissions problems or a corrupt file/script. The things I would try are:

                            1. compact/repair the database.
                            2. Ftp in and delete everything in the cgi-bin and acatalog (supplies) directory
                            3. Change the perl script number in Actinic
                            4. Do full purge and refresh
                            5. If it still persists, try changing the cgi-bin permission to 777.


                            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                              Thanks Mike, for all your help. I'll try this later.

                              One other thing I noticed with ../supplies/ in the Server Details and ../public_html/supplies/ in the FTP Details was, any page with cgi-bin in the path seemed to be from the wrong /suppleis/ folder (I could tell this because the headertext was out of date), pages without cgi-bin were ok. Would this not point to the fact that PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG needs to be ../public_html/supplies/

                              Thanks again

